Open Weather Map not giving all details

Running HE C8 and downloaded Open Weather Map from OpenWeatherMap-Alerts-Weather-Driver/OpenWeatherMap-Alerts%20Weather%20Driver.groovy at master · HubitatCommunity/OpenWeatherMap-Alerts-Weather-Driver · GitHub v0.6.9 dated 4/17/24.
Installed the driver, got the API key from the OWM website, signed up for the basic service, but can't get an extended forecast . I get some of the current states, but not the state variables.

What I'm trying to do is get a driver/app to give a trigger to alert me to high winds or other alerts for the next day or two ahead.

Looking at the change log, I see this:

V0.6.2	08/23/2022	Added user selection of 2.5 or 3.5 OWM API Key;

I don't see the option to change the API key version in your screenshot, but you might check to see if you can set the driver to use the 3.x API. OpenWeatherMap has been phasing out the 2.x API, and I think some of the forecast information is only available in the 3.x API.

Note: I use OpenWeatherMap in Home Assistant, not Hubitat, so I'm not familiar with this driver. I just know about the OWM API changes because I got an email about them.

You might want to blank out your API key as well in the screenshot.

It looks to me like you are using the System driver, not the community driver you linked to. Does the driver just say "OpenWeatherMap"?


Thanks, I should have scrolled down in Device Information, Type* to the user section. Once I selected the OpenWeatherMap-Alert driver, poof, it all populated.