I installed Open Weather Map and Alerts using Package Manager/Install a new package
Said it was installed but nothing under apps or devices. If I go back into HPM there is a check mark on the app Open Weather
I have rebooted Hubitat
What did I do wrong
Hubitat Package Manager is very useful for automating the installation of driver and app code onto your hub.
But you still need to install an instance of an app or device yourself.
In the hub devices menu, click on the “add device” button, add a virtual device and then look for the OWM alerts driver in the “type” pop-up menu under “device information.”
It’ll be somewhere close to the bottom of the list, since all built-in drivers are listed first in alphabetical order. Then below that are user-installed drivers, also in alphabetical order.
Thanks where do I get the OpenWeatherMay.org API key
You have to create an account on the site, then go to settings and then generate the api key
Within the web page it says
Hourly forecast: unavailable
Daily forecast: unavailable
Calls per minute: 60
3 hour forecast: 5 days
In the Hubitat device top right it says Current States and no weather is displayed. I do have the key
Show me your device page for open weather map
It looks ok. What happens if you switch to the built in openweathermap driver?
It works only I have to put a US Zip code in for the Current States to populate. If I leave Zip blank and use Lat and Lon the States wont change. I tried our Postal Code but States stll wont change
I noticed you had API key version in the Off position. That is for the older 2.5 versions of the API.
If you just created your account and got a new API Key, then you have the 3.0 version. It will not work with the switch in the off position for the newer accounts. Also, if that is the case, you also had to put credit card information. As long as you do not go over 1000 calls per day (Just do not poll at more than ~once every two minutes - You have it set to once per 5 minutes right now if I am reading it correctly), then you do not get charged. However, they require the credit card information in case you do (You can always set a limit on your account at 999 to ensure that you do not).
More info in this thread here: [RELEASE] Weather-Display With OWM-Alerts Forecast Driver - #111 by Matthew
Thanks for the info. I purchased the paid plan with the free calls and in Hubitat devices changed the switch on to v3.0
Still does not work.
You might try posting in that other thread. The developer is usually fairly quick and responsive
OK Done thanks for your help
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