I am new to HE. I have tried for the past 48 hours to integrate OWM. I went to OWM, got the API Key, install the OWM driver, and set up a tile on the HE dashboard. I have waited patiently for the last 36 hours to receive a weather update to a weather tile on the HE dashboard. I feel like I am doing something wrong here. Is there a detailed step-by-step guide for this integration?
open a log window.. in aother window goto the open weather driver directly and hit poll.. what do you see in the logs.
nothing coming from the device driver ID for OWM
Are you using the built-in Open Weather Map driver? Please share a screenshot of the Device details page (please obscure your OWM API Key) so that the community can assist.
I originally started using the OpenWeatherApps-Alerts Weather Driver. I waited 2 days for the device to collect data. Then I tried changing to the built-in OWM driver and no luck. So I created a brand new device and used the built-in OWM driver and BINGO it started collecting data right away.
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