OK waiting for OVER a year

Love the concept as I moved from Smarthings, API connections, Not connected to the internet but this is my second post on this and my primary customer MY WIFE!!! is sick of this and so am I!!!!

What the #&*$ 80% of the time a motion sensor recognizes me or my main customer and the light goes on. the other 20 % is Completely Unacceptable!!!!! I have spent hundreds of dollars converting to 100% Z-Wave sensors, even, getting the "Best" sensors but I walk into a room, see the sensor LED light up and NOTHING!!!!

I can understand that that this is not "proven" technology but WTF this has been 2 years!!!!! I have done all the upgrade and my WIFE is standing in a hallway saying WHY IS THE LIGHT NOT GOING ON!!!!

Oddly enough I am new to hubitat and I have noticed this very thing as well and hoped it was user error and would eventually be ironed out. It happened to me twice tonight alone. This simply didn't happen in ST.

Maybe it would help if you could tell what sensor, and what switch/bulb you are using. There are a LOT of Zwave items, some old Zwave, some Zwave plus, some works great, and some is poorly suited for certain things.

Also, please post screenshots of your rule or app you are using so we can at least be discussing the same things here.

Lastly, what is your hub firmware (settings tab, hub details), the latest is 2.2.8.xxx.

I don't quite understand this. Are you saying there is a long standing bug or something? Or that you haven't asked for help in two years? Hubitat has improved a lot over the past two years, and is fairly well proven, so I am not sure what you are saying here.

Edit to add: did you ever file a support ticket?


Maybe start a new thread and give details of the items I list above so it will be easier for people to diagnose. While it could be the exact same thing it is very doubtful you are both using the same sensor, switch, and so on so the root cause may be very different.


Thanks @neonturbo for the quick reply

Like I said, I am really new to hubitat and will be tallying a list of things that are problematic. I haven't had it running a week yet so I think it may be premature to start a thread.

However, it's VERY odd that motion sensors simply "don't work" when you can clearly see that they do by it flashing it's LED. It simply was a non issue in ST.

I use webcore for my lights and motion sensors and migrated them over from ST. At any rate I just wanted to chime in and point out the OP isn't alone with this "weirdness."

Look at event logs for those sensors. Open the Device page for it, at the top is Events. Click that and you'll see a list of events. Here's one of mine over the last 6 minutes:

If you're not seeing the Events then the Sensor's messages aren't getting through. Many of the screenshots requested will help us help you with advice to narrow it down.

Is the Sensor's message arriving? Is a Rule being run in response? Is the message to turn on/off the light leaving the Hub? If you use the device info page for your lights, so they function 100% of the time? Logs will help with those questions.

I think you can see from the wave of responses that your symptoms are highly unusual. Provide some info to analyze and we'll offer advice.


My experience is that its not the sensors that is the problem when using sensor/zwave dimmer more the light. since I moved to shelly wifi dimmers the sensor(light works much better... not 100% but almost . But no its the sensor that is the thief...

Also understand that WebCoRE is not "officially" supported so incorporating it does carry some user risk... I loved WC on SmartThings... so much nicer than the stock stuff. When I switched to HE, WC was a "little" unstable (2+ years ago) so ended up going to RM and now Node-RED. I am perfectly aware that any glitches in the Matrix start with me first... :wink: :pill:


There's definitely differences in WC on ST compared to WC on HE. I migrated from ST a few months ago and I've noticed several differences but none have been deal breakers.

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@john1 I have the total opposite experience, I move from ST to HE and my motion / lights on rules are lightening fast! I reused all the same old zigbee ST motion sensors and have two basic equipment setups for light. One is a zooz zwave switch turns on the light or a sengled bulb comes on. All are using Simple Automation Rules, no hiccups, just works. Like the others have said, list out your equipment, dig into the logs and you will find the issue.



Similar to the above post i have had the opposite experience as well. I use a combination of zigbee and zwave devices and it has worked great.

We really need more information to help you though. What version of the hub do you have and what firmware does it have in it. Remeber the newest C-7 version is using a the new Zwave 700 chipset and does have some quirks. On the hub go to the settings menu on the left side and then select the Zwave details menu. Look for any Zwave device that is a ghost node( any device with nothing listed for in/out in the cluster section) those are very bad for your zwave network and will cause all kinds of problems.

What Zwave devices are you using there are some significant functionality differences between zwave 1.0, Zwave Plus, and Zwave Plus 2.0(700 chipset) devices. Original zwave 1.0 devices are nown to be problematic in certain ways and need pooling under certain circumstances.

I would also post a screenshot of the Zwave details page i mentioned above. It may shed some light as well. Also what is your ratio of repeaters to battery powered Zwave devices.

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When I moved from SmartThings to Hubitat a couple of years ago, I discovered that Hubitatโ€™s radio is not quite as strong as SmartThings.

I was advised to make sure I had a repeater in the same room as my hub, and to add a few more repeaters to my mesh. This took care of the problem for me.


Bless your tolerant heart. That wouldn't last 3 days in our house.

As most others have noted, the information is available to isolate and resolve such issues. Logs will report device activity. When the gap is found between expected and actual behavior, then it is easier to dive into prospective issues - device, network, rule, etc.

But please don't suffer. While Hubitat has a learning curve, there are piles of folks that are both active on this forum and highly knowledgeable ... and it costs nothing to ask.


@john1 I would also for clarity post your z-wave status page...


According to an earlier post of his, this is a C5 not a C7. So while it is a good idea to post that page, I doubt we will be able to see if there are ghosts etc.

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I think you can spot them in there as well but also it should give us other clues


Thank you for your reply. I will do this for any future failures and create a thread for that.


do you think that Node Red functions better that WebCore? If so, maybe I should move to that.

In its simplest term Node red sends and recieves actions via the Maker API built in app.

Node-Red can Offload the automation processing to whatever device it is running it. Some run it on a Raspberry Pi other on home servers like myself. There is no doubt it can help if your hub is heavily loadex frim a cpu perspective.

I expect @erktrek answer to be better than mine but from my vantage point, there's a little more pluses in favor of Node-Red. Not much, but some...

WebCoRE is an Automation Engine just as Node-Red and Rule Machine are...

WebCoRE and Rule Machine both run ON the Hub. WebCoRE must be "compiled" off-hub, but the Pistons run on the Hub.

Node-Red runs on an external always-on-computer and by doing that the compute load of evaluating Events and responding is off-hub. It uses MakerAPI to listen for events and to inject commands.

Thus the question really boils down to: "Do you have an always-on-computer that can run Node-Red for you?" If yes, then that clearly nudges the answer into the Node-Red column. If no, then WebCoRE is what's left.

I have never used WebCoRE on Hubitat.. I used it extensively when I had SmartThings, but I never took the time to try it on Hubitat. I write in so many computer languages that one more (RM) didn't phase me. I've been a fan of parallelism in computing for decades and thus having an array of processes to be my Home Automation System is right up my alley. I must admit though my first effort was to migrate everything to Hubitat back in 2018. I got there and it was great for that week or month... then I started going parallel again. :smiley: