Off topic argument

What happened to your ohlalabs hub beta alpha software?

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Hd Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


Well i cant speak for @Shaneb, however mine has been humming along nicely for some time.

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What’re you running it on?

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On the beta hardware that was released?

Did they make more than three units?

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What kind of specs does it have?

The product on Indiegogo was very polished by the time the campaign ended.

Like the C-8 and Home Assistant Yellow, it had a onboard zigbee 3.0 radio (either TI or SiLabs, which the C-8 and HAY use). And overall very similar in design to HA Yellow.

The Indiegogo timeline indicated that it was 99+% complete by May 2021 vis-a-vis GUI (device manager & tiles-based dashboard) and logic engine (also tiles based), and the final prototype was ready before the campaign ended.

With that degree of completeness, I imagine they shipped 500-1000 units at least.

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Things have changed a lot since the original campaign. But I do feel a little awkward discussing it in detail, much like we don't discuss details of the HE beta releases here, and we are talking about a potential competitor to HE.

Personally I got involved purely out of interest to try something new, not that I was unhappy with HE, nor am I now. I am happy to run both side-by-side and reap the benefits of both.


I can confidently say yes. Not sure of the entire run size.


I didn't invest in oh la labs, I joined their forum, but didn't join the campaign

I would imagine. The IndieGogo campaign was from 2 years ago, which is long time in the Home Automation space!

Their tile-based dashboard and logic engine looked very intriguing at the time. It'll be interesting to see what directions they took it in.

The highly-functional interface shown during their campaign was reminiscent of what Homey has achieved. And off course, much earlier @klinquist developed a interface using similar principles for Stringify. And I suppose the Nodes of Node-RED are also equivalent in principle to the Tiles used in their CORE hub.

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I don’t understand if they’ll ever have a commercially available product, but that’s based on an infrequent perusal of their forum.

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Those were left over after all the beta-participants received their units.

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screw them...

I agree with @sburke781, we shouldn't be talking about others if they are not present, and can't even be around to explain their actions. I am sure they have good reasons for how they conduct their business. If you have any doubts, please reach out to them in their community.