Odd Zigbee Behavior on the C-8

When you say "full reset," are you talking about something more than doing the "soft reset" through diagnostic port 8081?

Reset both radios and then the soft reset from the tool as you said.

Steps 1, 2, 3, and 6 from What About a "Full Reset"? from the docs. I didn't de-register the hub or mess with the network addressing.

From the docs:

For the equivalent of a "full reset," you can perform the following:

  1. Reset the Z-Wave and/or Zigbee radios from Settings > Z-Wave Details and Settings > Zigbee Details (if used).
  2. Remove any files from Settings > File Manager and the Device Firmware Updater app (if used).
  3. Delete all local backups from Settings > Backup and Restore.
  4. De-register your hub (if registered) using the "de-register hub" option under Registered Hubs at my.hubitat.com (note that the hub must be currently connected to the Internet for this option to appear, and the hub cannot have any active subscriptions).
  5. If you have configured non-default network settings on the hub in Settings > Network Setup, such as a static IP or Wi-Fi configuration, undo them or perform a network reset.
  6. Finally, perform a soft reset, as described above. Ensure the Also clear past logs option is selected.
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