Kind of a I speak the same language as you do, but I have a different dialect.
To follow up on this, it depends on your definition of 'correctly'. Though the devices I tried (Iris V2 motion, contacts) paired fine and work on my C-8 after resetting its Zigbee radio and soft resetting it (with no restored database), I still see the same faulty end device reset+rejoin behavior (they will fail to pair if they're reset subsequent to having been joined before, and the hub keeps assigning them their old shortID's). So it doesn't appear to be an effect caused by migration. I suspect if/when properly connected end devices get disconnected and attempt to rejoin the mesh through a router that has assigned them a new shortID (as they are designed to do) they'll encounter problems and won't rejoin properly.
As with the migrated setup, removing them (from their device details page) does allow end devices to be paired again (at least the Iris V2's) at the expense of the 'seamlessly fall back into place ' feature. And they'll stop working if their taken out of range of the hub (if they paired to it as a child device).
I still can't get my "previously migrated from C-7 and working" (or brand new out of the box) Loratap buttons to join to the C-8 after resetting its radio.
Just to add another experience, C4 > C8 migrant here.. only problem seems to be my Iris V1 contact sensors. Have tried factory reset on the sensors and they just get stuck in Initializing. Hoping this isn’t the end of support for these old devices.
I do not have any of these devices to test with, so I can't confirm if there's an issue with them or not, though from the sounds of it there may be.
Please let me know if I can assist in resolution. Unfortunately I’m using these as temperature sensors for various thermostat controllers so it’s a bummer for heating season.
well i need to have one in order to sort it out since i need to do a packet capture whilst its pairing to see what we aren't doing that we were doing on c5/c7's
There isn't any other way of doing it.
So I did another migration of a few devices (GE Plug, Iris V2 motion, two LoraTap Zigbee 3.0 4-buttons) from C-7 to C-8, primarily to convince myself that I wasn't delusional: previously, LoraTap paired easliy to C-7, migrated perfectly and worked after migration on C-8, however after being reset LoraTap would never again pair to C-8.
This time around, as before, everything migrated perfectly. And the same 'bogus' child shortID's turn up in the C-8's getChildandRouteInfo page's child table. Turns out they aren't garbage; they correspond to the rightmost 16-bits of each devices IEEE address. They're bogus only in the sense that they never get transmitted by the radio (and of course, aren't the child device ID's by the definition of that term).
Based on that (and "research"-- thanks ChatGPT!) I'd speculate that C-8's assignment of non-randomized shortID's to end devices might be intended behavior (maybe part of a 'custom join procedure' implemented in the coordinator to force static node ID assignments during join according to chosen criteria, in this case their MAC address). Speculating (again) I'd think this was done to facilitate migration. @mike.maxwell, does this sound reasonable?
As before, the migrated LoraTap Zigbee 3.0 buttons that joined/worked perfectly on C-7 also worked perfectly after migration to C-8, and once again if they're reset, they subsequently cannot be joined again (nor can new ones). Original observations unfortunately confirmed.
A difference I'm seeing with this latest migration (two firmware releases later than the one I based my original notes on) is that now the GE plug also is gets an unchanging static shortID when it is reset/rejoined, so apparently now both routers and end devices are being treated consistently in getting assigned the same short ID even when they have been reset. Quite sure I didn't imagine that the first time; I performed that exercise a few times. This may help migration (if that is the intent) but it now lumps router devices into the category of "WILL ALWAYS FAIL TO PAIR AS USUAL AFTER BEING RESET--WON'T BE RECOGNIZED AS PREVIOUSLY JOINED-- MUST BE REMOVED AS A DEVICE FIRST" (I verified this on the GE plug).
EDIT: I just noticed that resetting (not rebooting) Zigbee radio does allow previously joined devices to 'drop into their own slots' without 'Remove' with the obvious side effect of having to reset/rejoin every Zigbee device in the database. All the devices get new shortID's (which then do not change after subsequent reset/rejoins, per the new normal...). After resetting (again, not rebooting) the Zigbee radio even the LoraTap button could be reset and rejoined again (once).
If this isn't being considered an issue (it's not listed as 'known issue' in the firmware release notes), I think it should be. If my trials with a reset C-8 are any indication, it affects join behavior when there is no migration scenario. Maybe implement a 'kill switch' for the custom join behavior?
I have seen the same with the two child devices that showed up in my routing table - the 4 character "short" name is the last 4 characters of the device's address. One of those was the Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor that I had to rejoin after it dropped (and is now working), the other was a Nyce contact sensor that migrated (apparently) successfully and is working.
Good to know I'm not in some weird bubble and the only one seeing this, lol. Were you able to rejoin the Hue sensor normally (without using 'Remove') and get it to be recognized as a previously joined device? I haven't been able to do that with the usual Iris V2 motions and contacts (and now, GE Zigbee dimmer plug) I have tried.
Yes. I just started the Zigbee join from the Devices page and pressed the button on the back of Hue. It was recognized with the correct name and it is working . . . for now.
Anything to do with this.........
Certainly possible they could be related. Some people have experienced a very serious problem such as Zigbee not starting up at all or not being able to join any devices to the Zigbee network. What I experienced seems (at least at the moment) to be much more subtle.
Could be, but honestly when I tried that link it took me to 'warranty claim'. None of the scenarios listed applied (Zigbee offline was the closest, but that's not happening to me). I didn't pursue further.
I messaged Bobby about it and decided it was not appropriate to submit a warranty claim . . . at least not at this point.
Actually I think one of the scenarios I noted above did result in a 'previously found' rejoin-- that when done through a router. My sniffer trace showed a new shortID got issued in that case (by the router). However in that case, the device (a V2 motion sensor) appeared to be joined (by its flashing green normal looking LED) but in fact the details page didn't reflect its events.
I do not have a C8 so thought I'd just mention it.
As for the link, if it goes to the warranty claim page, they may be pointing to the wrong page.
Yes; actually I don't want to burden the support team with my scenario since I'm not trying to do anything productive with the C-8. If these issues are real (I'm sure they are) I'd expect they'll be assessed appropriately.
Thanks, the alternative link was provided more for those who are unable to send a message to @support_team.
I’ve seen the same behavior that you have described. I’ve only had one device that dropped off after migrating 80 or so Zigbee devices, and it was easy to delete and re pair with the C-8. I initially tried to reset and rejoin the device, and it seemed to be working, until I saw that it wasn’t functioning via the device page. Multiple attempts that followed didn’t even find a device to rejoin. That’s when I decided to try deleting, resetting, and rejoining it, which worked as expected. Since then I set my Zigbee radio to 20 (I don’t have real close neighbors) and lqi went up for most routers and stayed flat for the rest. I’m now in a holding pattern and not touching any of my Zigbee devices until things get ironed out. I’m very happy overall with the C-8 and have seen a noticeable improvement in responsiveness for distant Zigbee devices and all z-wave devices, which I deleted from another C-5 and easily joined to the C-8.
Please PM me if need a volunteer to send over a device.