Odd Errors in Logs from Firehd

All of a sudden my logs are filling up with this.... see below.

The IP it is referencing is a FireHD tablet running Fully Kiosk with a hubitat dashboard. I have rebooted the tablet and Hub. The IP is reserved for the tablet.

Anyone seen this before?

Did you install anything on the hub or tablet to talk to Hubitat, like Fully Kiosk Browser Controller or anything else? Something on the the Fire tablet has to be sending data to your hub (on port 39501, unlikely to happen randomly), and this is telling you there is no matching device on the hub to receive that unsolicited data. There may have been at one point, or there may just be misconfiguration on the tablet side. Did you add or remove anything, or did you attempt to set something up like the above?

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Yes, sorry should have mentioned I am running fully kiosk browser controller. If I shut down fully kiosk on the tablet the error goes away.

On the device page for the fully kiosk controller looks like this

Not sure if the driver is supposed to change this for you automatically or if it's just part of the setup instructions (I'm not familiar with that driver), but it seems like the problem might be the DNI. Change it to one of the other options in that log message and see if it helps (this is is "Device Network Id" under "Device Information"). I know it says the 192.x.x.x IP address is a legit form, but I thought it really only took hex (not decimal) IP or MAC, either with no separators, so that might help...


That was it, the MAC somehow got lost and the fully kiosk device on the Hub reverted to IP for devicenetworkID. Eventually when hitting save preferences in the device page it picked up the MAC again and all is good.

EDIT.. initially I though it was the FireHD that may have randomized its MAC but I looked on my router and that has always been the MAC so that wasnt the case. Anyway never had this problem before but seems fine now.