Odd behavior lockups and missing sunrise/sunset events

I am having a plethora of issues with my Hubitat. Its only about a month old and is very unstable. Cant tell if I got a bum unit or if this is just the nature of the beast. Hoping someone can shed some light.

The first week or so things worked well but then I noticed the hub going offline regularly. After poking around in these forums it was suggested that I remove whatever I had done right before the problem started. That was the ZWave poller (I have about 6 older zwave devices). After removing it and doing a clean boot it has not outright locked up any more but I still have a bunch of odd behavior.

It has not been turning some switches on and off at sunrise/sunset intermittently. It seems to work for a day or two then miss a pass. Looking at the log this time I don't see a sunrise event (taken at 6:45 am)

My hub seems to have the correct time

While I was navigating around this morning taking these screenshots I suddenly started getting this when clicking on a device . I can not pull up any devices after this happens. I am able to pull up dashboards, apps, and drivers. My automatons are not working.

I suspect something is crashing in my hub and leaving it in a messed up state but I cannot figure out what.

For good measure here is my drivers and apps page so you can see what is going on. I have no App's code installed. Any help figuring this out would really be appreciated I want this hubitat to work out really bad.

When your hub locks up/crashes it can sometimes cause the database to get corrupted. It is wise to download a backup of your hub before changes are made.


Also, look into this:

Lots of us with hubs that lockup consistently just reboot on a schedule to prevent it.

I would also suggest enabling debug logging for each of your Inovelli switches, one at a time, and watch the live logging in a separate tab to see if they are behaving. I had one LZW30-SN that was sending multiple power and energy reports each second. That was enough to make my hub virtually unresponsive.

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Thanks for the replies - I will give the debug log a shot...

After looking around the forums it seems like a regular reboot is being done by tons of people. I am going to give that a try. Its a shame that seems to be the only solution but I see so many posts from people fighting this I guess I should just give in and do it.