I have a problem with a Basic Rule, a problem that disappeared a few years ago, but it's returned again.
Three motion sensors control stairs lights. They turn the lights on when there's motion, then when there's been no motion for 2 minutes, they turn the lights off. Easy peasy.
The rule runs from sunset to sunrise.
What's happening now is if the lights are on just before sunrise (running out their 2 minutes of no motion), once sunrise hits, they won't turn off; I have to do it via the app.
Previously when I had this problem a few years ago (and I put it up on here), Hubitat was aware of it, and addressed it in the next update only a week or so later.
I just recently updated my hub to, and the problem's returned.
Any ideas anyone? Or is it a hub update problem, bringing back the ghosts of the past?
It's always been the case that restrictions expiring or starting while lights are on can mess things up, and that sounds like exactly your problem. There is no simple fix for this using Basic Rule with restrictions.
One way around the problem is to use Room Lights instead of Basic Rule. Room Lights separates the logic for turning on lights from the logic of turning them off. So the restriction becomes a limit on turning the lights on, but not turning them off. The restrictions in Basic Rule apply to both, so you get this issue you've described.
Another way around the problem would be to use 2 rules, one for on and one for off, where the restriction is only on the turning on rule.
I have this happen every once in a while so what I did was create a seperate Rule that checked the light 10 minutres after sunrise and if still on go ahead and turn it off. Easy peasy!
Finally after messing up with complex rules I am splitting them into number of smaller rules. This approach is far more reliable but definitely harder to maintain. For sure, stability has higher priority. So, tradeoff is in favor for stability.
Not that I've done it, yet, but I guess instead of letting Hubitat name the rule, the rule names could be changed so that they appear one after the other in a sorted list.
First of all, I have never seen HE was suggesting names for the RM Rules. I always had to mame every new rule myself. And yes, from day number one for the maintainability reason my naming convention is using very descriptive prefixes. Unfortunately this way names are too long but very well grouped.
Well, the subject was Basic Rule, so, although I've never used it, I figured it named the rule like Simple Automation does, a feature I generally like.
I don't use the room feature, but I mostly name my devices with a small abbreviation in front of the description to indicate location.
I don't flag too many posts as solutions, but seems like Bruce is on the money, unless I'm way off.... Yeah, Basic Rules serves a certain purpose, but as things become more complex, so do the solutions required.... KISS however you prefer...