Notify if garage door left open

I seek to notify if garage door is left open more than 15 minutes. I set up a rule this way and it notifies regardless of whether the door was left open. Not sure how to do this, hoping maybe you experts know a way. I just made the great migration from Wink yesterday, and it's a huge learning curve, but I am hopeful and Hubitat seems to be way more capable, just not as idiot-proof.

I tried to put a picture but it told me I'm not allowed.

Select trigger events:
Garage Door open

Select Actions to Run
Notify iPhone: 'Garage door was left open for 15 minutes' --> delayed: 0:15:00

Have you tried using the built-in Notifier App? Much easier than using Rule Machine for this particular task.


No, I will check that out. Thanks for your reply.

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If you chose to use RM.

Garage door changed

Cancel delays
IF garage door open THEN
Notify phone : delayed 15mins (cancellable)

That way if the rule gets triggered by the door being closed, it will cancel the delay and exit the rule.


I use a simple rule

Trigger: Every 30 Minutes.

  • Refresh: Garage Door
  • Delay 15 seconds
  • If Garage Door open, then
    • Speak on Echo - Echo Studio: "The Garage Door is open"

It will continue to notify me until the door is closed when it checks.


Agree with Dan as I use the notifier app for my garage fridge and crawl space doors. Here is an example:


I agree that the notifier is the way to go for this example. I was just trying to give him feedback on his rule so he can apply it to bigger and badder rules :wink:


Buttons and Switches are not typical types of devices one normally uses to monitor the state of a garage door.

What device type are you using? Please share a screenshot of your particular device.

I looked through all the device types and found it listed as a contact sensor. It's the Linear GoControl GD-008.

Great! So does this mean you’ve got the Notifications app working for your garage door? Any other questions?

Can a rule be created to generate a notification when the garage or any door sensor is left open at night?

Yes, but if you just want to be notified if "door left open for X minutes" but only between certain times (e.g, sunset and sunrise), the Notifications app mentioned above can do that, too. Just add add a time under "Restrictions."


Thank you for this. I was trying to make this much more complicated.

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I would like to be notified if any of my garage doors are open at a certain time in the evening. I don't care if they have been open for longer than X minutes. They can be open all day, I just don't want to go to bed and leave one open. What's the best way to do that?

You could simply use Rule Machine rule, with a Specific Time of Day trigger, like the one I use to notify us if any doors are unlocked at 11pm every night. Just change the logic to notify if a garage door is open instead.


Can you still do it with the Notification app with a restriction on the time when to give the notification? (I found a small display bug when doing that using 24 hour time format, but that probably doesn't affect this working).

I have a mode called Bedtime that starts at 11PM, and I use that mode as the restriction in my Notification. This lets me include the Away mode, which means the notification is instantaneous if the either garage door is open (for 5 minutes) while we are away.

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What happens if the door was already open when the mode changes? Does it still notify you?

Hmmm. I'll test that.

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also the go control is not a contact device. or you dont have the correct driver. i have them and they show up othewerise as a garage door. it should be generic zwave garage door opener

No, it does not.

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