Notifier/Notifications App - Feature Request

I'd like to utilize a global hub variable in the notification app like RM has.

ie: %VariableName%

I am looking to add short Day (TUE) of the week to a push notification using the notifications app. The option for hub variables is not available in this particular app. It works well in RM.

Personally, I'd like to keep my notification rules in this app due to ease of use. Can we include global hub variables into a future app update?


Possibly. Will look into it.

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If you are looking to enhance the Notifications app,
is it possible for you to put in a %variable% which would indicate the room?

Also, if possible, it appears if one notifications device is not working, then the entire notification does not work (it could continue to work on other notification devices). If this could be fixed, that would be a great enhancement.

I need to know more. Are there errors in the logs? Please turn on logging and post those for when this happens.

This will be in the next release.

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@bravenel could you please add the ability to notify for powerSource capable devices? I have a few ring range extenders and want to be notified if powerSource changes to battery. Thanks!

I'll put it on the list. In the meantime, you can use Rule Machine to do this notification.

Thank you sir.

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