Notifications review on click

Would it be possible to have a "Notifications" section in the app? When a notification is clicked on, the app could open to a screen allowing you to read/acknowledge/remove.

I have setup notifications to cell, and they work well. However when trying to "pull down" the notification to read more, it sometimes opens the app (I know it is clicked on by accident). Once the app opens, the notice is gone, and I cannot read what it sent me.

Not being 100% sure who to tag, or if this request is viable, I'll leave it to community input and elevation.


The iOS app had a notification history in the settings in the first few versions of the app and worked well for reviewing what notifications came in when you accidentally opened the app like you said. They removed that piece of code a long time ago probably because it wasn't on the Android version or something but I would love to see that come back. I haven't relied on the Hubitat apps notifications since and rely on Pushover now since I can always go back to review notifications there.

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The app will even show notifications, but you cannot access them via the app. Only from the pull down menu creating the issue above. Kinda taunting.


I was hopeful that the official Hubitat mobile phone app would receive more updates, to address issues and feature requests. However, it has been a while.

I have chosen to use Pushover for all of my notifications instead, as it is more reliable and has many more features, including the aforementioned request to see a history of notifications. You can also adjust the priority of the notifications to ensure they 'break through' a silent mode on a phone. Nice to know at 2 am that there is a water leak in the house, eh? :wink:

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For similar reasons, I prefer to receive my notifications as SMS messages, and there are plenty of "roll your own" and Hubitat-provided integrations that permit this as well. Pushover has the advantage of interpreting message priority, while SMS has the advantage of not requiring any additional apps on my phone.

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@ogiewon @aaiyar Both good "workarounds", but I was hoping to limit the amount of non-hubitat apps I need to deploy to get "basic" features. If I am not mistaken both of the above require 3rd party apps.

No, they're not third party. The Pushover and Twilio drivers are built in.

:point_up: what he said! :wink:


True but both or those are separate apps/website that must be setup and configured. Not part of hubitat inclusively. It seems silly to have to configure a separate app/service just to get a notification.

IMO (and that of many clients) it shouldn't take a hodge podge of apps, and websites to get a complete HA solution from HE. If that is the case it will continue to be a "con" and seems like something that could be include without a ton of effort (I am not a dev so I do not know but most apps can pull it of without help). One less "con" to discuss.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong HE has a ton of "pros" too. I just think this one could easily be removed from the "con" column.

Can't argue that point whatsoever! :wink: I agree with you!

To provide some perspective, I started with Hubitat within the first week of their public launch back in February 2018. I had collaborated with many of the Hubitat original founders over in the SmartThings Community for a few years, so I knew the caliber of the people who designed and built the Hubitat Elevation hub. As an early adopter, there were many things missing, like Dashboards, Mobile App/Push Notifications, IFTTT, Google Home integration, proper Alexa Skill, etc... But, I knew all of that going in, as did all of the early adopters. As such, many of us created community written solutions to fill the gaps until the Hubitat developers added this functionality. I actually wrote the initial community version of the Pushover driver, which was then enhanced greatly by other community members like @stephack. Eventually, Hubitat added Pushover as part of the platform. A true example of community/company collaboration.

So, while I agree that it would be great if Hubitat was able to provide an all-in-one solution with all of the features that users might want to use...I also recognize the value in using the best-of-breed solutions where it makes the most sense, right now.

So, for me, that is using Pushover for notifications, Lutron for lighting, Zigbee for sensors, InfluxDB+Grafana for historical data analysis and trending, HOOBS for HomeKit integration, my own Harmony Hub integration, my own Alexa TTS integration, and my own HubDuino Arduino integration (all of which I have freely shared with the community.)

For me, getting things to work together, performing the integrations, is the fun part of home automation as a hobby. Those are the 'puzzles' to be solved. I know that is not true for most users. Which is why I completely agree that the Hubitat Mobile App does need some attention.


Thanks for the history! I didn't realize hubitat was such a baby. :baby:

Even more so why this should be a "Feature Request". (and near the top lol)

As much as I personally love "tinkering", I want to be able to resell HE as a HA solution with a strait face, and minimal push back. 90% of what it does it does great. If it were slightly more polished it would fly off the shelves.

Dashboards at face value are more than most people can configure, but smartly editor has made that easier to resolve as well, while still being mostly "native". If notification were added I could see the app being a lot more useful than it is in it's current state.

@ogiewon and thanks much for the integrations, I do use the Harmony one, and have played with others.

Things like that, Google home, and echo speaks, I can easily talk off as "over and above" (and charge extra for config!). Notifications should be in there by default, and are a much harder "up-sell" IMO.