Notifications App Error

I have set up a notification on the standard HE App to send me notifications when the pool temp exceeds a certain temperature. Unfortunately, I have to turn off the solar panels manually still but I am working on an affordable solution for the future. For now, though, this will have to do.

Anyway, it used to work. Unfortunately, at some point, this stopped working. I am getting the following error.

I don't know if this is the Notification app's issue or the device it is trying to access, but I want to start here. The rule in Notifications is as follows.

The device is:



Not sure I have a good explanation for you as to why, but it might have something to do with 120 minute restriction (cron is a scheduling app that linux OSes use, and the hub's underlying OS is linux I think). Assuming the notification app's ID is 3297.

Have you tried deleting and recreating the notification?

thanks for the response. That is the ID of the notification shown. I have deleted it and rebuilt it with the same results.

I do understand cron. I guess i will try to delete the time restrictions to see what happens, but the fact that it used to work, and now doesn't seems more like a bug introduced at some point, or a corruption on my device.


Does any new notification that you create work when you try to put something into the "only once within this # of minutes" field? Or the "only between two times" restriction? With other devices, I mean.

Perhaps it's an issue with the parent notifier app, so that any child apps you create will all have the problem?

Good thought. I will check that too.


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It appears the issue is related to the "Only once within this number of minutes" field. When I blank that field out the error no longer occurs.

Sounds like a bug in the Notifier app introduced in some recent release.

@bobbyD ? Any thoughts?


Interesting, I can reproduce this by creating a new notification and setting the field to 120 mins. When I set it to 2 mins at first, the notification worked fine.

It has something to do with that field being set to anything beyond 59 minutes. Any numbers I tried above 59 resulted in that error as soon as I clicked done, and the notification doesn't fire when the device status changes. If it's set to 59 minutes or less, the notification works fine, no error in the log.

Tagging @bravenel.

App configuration and status pages, in case that helps:

Thanks. I suspected something like that but you took it to that level. Awesome. I guess my question is the same for Bobby though. 59 Seems like an artificially low limit for repeats. And I don't understand why it used to work an now it doesn't.


Presumably it's the one-hour (i.e. 60 minute) threshold that's causing a problem. I doubt it's intentional, possibly a bug that was introduced recently, as you suggested before.

I didn't bother looking in the logs at the time but that explains why I didn't see a notification for temperature device in my fridge. I had it set to once every 60 minutes. I deleted the 60 and it worked but I got notifications Everytime the temp changed. I'll set it to 45 minutes for now.

Thanks for the heads up.

I will look into this.

It is indeed a cron limit. The app should make it clear what range of values is allowed, and disallow > 59 minutes.

The alternate form of repeat should be used for longer intervals.


Thanks for the reply Bruce.

The only concern with using Repeat is that it doesn't limit the number of notifications I receive in this use case. The Pool solar panels will raise the pool temp a couple of tenths of a degree every few minutes in the summer. Using Repeat, I would receive a notification every time the pool temp went up those 2 tenths of a degree, even if i used one of the various Stop options at the bottom of the Repeat actions. That is what i ma trying to avoid. I had the same challenge trying to build with a rule, but perhaps i have to go back to working on that rule again.

It would be great if there were some way to extend your Cron functionality or replace it with a longer timer. but that may not be as easily done than said.

Thanks for giving it some thought.


EDIT: You know what? I decided to go back to try to figure out the rule machine alternative to do what I wanted. I think I have it working. Since this has not been a major issue for others don't waste any time on this app issue. i will get back if I am not succesful. Thanks again everyone.

In HSM under the speak settings you can tell it to Repeat this message until cancelled and choose how often to repeat in seconds, does this have a similar issue? I had it set to 300 seconds (5 minutes) and yesterday the water main pipes built up condensation and dripped on the water sensor and it just keep speaking message after message about water detected. Thanks.

Did you hit Cancel Alerts in the app? Or Disarm All?

I had to in order to get it to stop speaking. I was just expecting it would say there was water detected once then 5 minutes later say it again until I canceled alerts but instead it said it over and over every few seconds until I canceled alerts.

Sounds as though it was being retriggered by the sensor. Could the sensor have been reporting dry then wet over and over?

You can look at the sensor events, and also at the HSM events (from its App Status page Events button). Those will tell you what was happening.

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Yes, it was. Strange. Thanks!

Similar behavior observed in HSM.