Not sure how to make motion lighting app do what I want

This is what I currently have.

I want to make it so that if someone turns the switch on, the lights will not automatically turn off. You might say, "But there is an option literally called "Switch to disable turning off". The problem is that if I do that, it never turns off because the app itself is turning the switch on. I might just be missing something though...

What brand/model switch is this? It probably will depend upon how or if your switch reports physical vs other reporting. Also, does this switch have double tap capabilities?

EDIT: Ignore my suggestion below, I read the request backwards somehow... :wink:

This setting should do it I would think. Have you tried it?

tagging @lewis.heidrick as he's a wiz with motion lighting

It's a zooZ Zen21.

Also, does this switch have double tap capabilities?

Yes, but that's to complicated. My wife doesn't like having to remember different number of taps for different things. Hitting on to turn the light on is natural and easy to remember.

I think that does the opposite of what I want. I want it to not turn off if turned on manually.

So I have a Zen22, which should be similar.

On mine, I turned on all logging and pressed on and off first using dashboard. This is what it said in the logs.

  • Bedroom Light was turned on
  • Bedroom Light was turned off

Then I repeated it at the wall switch.

  • Bedroom Light button 2 pushed
  • Bedroom Light button 1 pushed

So what I think I would do is create a virtual switch, call it "guest bath override".

Use button controller to watch these "buttons" on the Zooz switch. Set up your button controller as follows.

Once you have that in place, it should follow the state of the physical switch. You can use that virtual switch in the Motion Lighting rule as your "don't turn off if" switch.

Wow...once again I prove that I do not excel at reading. :wink:

I've got a new problem to solve now. I can't get the motion lighting app to turn the light on at all.


Everything looks the same as what I posted above except I removed the time restriction so I could test it at night.

You must have the option ticked for don't turn on if turned off?

On your shot above it shows you have the don't turn off if turned on, is this still the case?

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