[NOT SOLVED] Corrupt database

Upthread you had some logs with this error. Is there anything in common when this happens? The same apps, the same device type, the time of day that this happens, anything?

I haven't seen many of this error on this forum, just the couple of people in this thread. So if it is a bug, it is pretty isolated or specific to something. I wonder if anything is common between users who are getting this error?

It seems I am not the only one: Search results for 'corrupt database' - Hubitat
I'm doing nothing at the time the crash occurs, that is just it.
Got a reply from support to disable all my drivers and apps that are not from Hubitat itself.
Sure, think it will run then, but that is not an option for the long term.

It's not meant to be a long term solution. It is meant to try and find out which driver/app is causing it so that Hubitat, or the app/driver author, can fix it permanently...


I understand, but disabling every app and driver that is not native, then wait for a week if it will not crash, then enable an ap, wait for a week etc etc that would potentially take months and months of debugging.
Surely Hubitat can give me an indication what data is causing the corruption?

I hope they can, too. But it isn't always that clear or easy for them to do so. Here's hoping, though!

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I have seen multiple cases on this forum where it was a LAN connected app, LAN integration, or LAN device causing issues and crashes. I would disable those first. Anything like a thermostat, TV, calendar, weather, or whatever that polls regularly and often is very likely the problem.

Do the App Stats or Device Stats in the Runtime Stats tab show anything with high use?


It is not a long term, but disabling custom apps and drivers helps you and us isolate the potential problem. Once the issue is isolated, then it's easier to remedy the problem.


The only thing I can think of, is my own driver to pull metadata from my energy monitor.
I have disabled the driver, together with non-native drivers that I can miss.
Lets see if it stayes stable.
Last periode between crashes was two and a half weeks.

The other thing I've done (and I know this isnt ideal for everyone) is set up a second hub with hub mesh and run the suspect driver on the other hub. It may still die but at least you can isolate things more easily.

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And it’s dead again.
So it is not my own driver.

Have you considered doing what support suggested? In place of the selective approach you've taken. If you continue to experience database corruption after disabling all user apps/drivers, then it will have identified a hardware issue (or platform issue), giving Hubitat engineers a path forward - be it hardware replacement or whatever.

Essentially this would mean no smart home for an X period.
Native apps are about 20% of all my apps.

Hmm, now it seems the restorepoints I used earlyer also give me “corrupt database found” when booting after the restore.

What’s the difference - the severe database corruption randomly causes your smart home to stop working as intended anyway?

If I were you, I would do whatever is most likely to lead to a permanent fix.


Was going to disable every app, but cannot restore from any database backup. Even my local backups on my pc result in a corrupted database message.
As a last resort I did a PTP for 20 minutes, but even that did not solve my issue.

So it seems I have an expensive brick / doorstopper atm.

Ugh. Tagging @bobbyD.


Can you restore a previous platform version? From the diagnostic tool at port 8081?

Nope, tried that, same result

Please check my PM.

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Turned out that my hub had a strange hardware issue that was dropping some data.
Seeing I had an active "Hub Protection" subscription, Hubitat send me a replacement hub.
To save me import- and transport costs, Hubitat asked there dealer in Poland to send me a replacement hub, and they did.

Replacement hub arrived > gave Hubitat support the HubID of my new hub > reboot the hub > migrate cloud restorepoint to my new hub, and everything is working again.

Great program, and extreme good support from Hubitat I must say!!!!
Liking the product and support, so besides my replacement hub, I bought a extra hub to be able to develop my own drivers and apps without having to "play" on my production hub.

Special thanks to @bobbyD & @Ultrasmart.pl for helping me with this issue, and your fast support.