Not a newbie but this ZW Ghost has me stumped

Been around the Ghost block many times in 10 years but I'm lost on this ghost.
I have had a stable ZW Mesh for many years, can't remember the last trouble.
Last night at 01:38 sys:Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message; never had that before.

I saw a few log entries from a Fibaro temp module and thought it might be that but nope.
Found a Discover device in the Z-Wave Details and tried my best between reboots, power off, remove, force remove etc.
Last switch I joined a few weeks ago was a Zooz Dimmer xA6. I did have a fail with that and had to reset it so I figured that was the xA5 hanging around. I deleted and re-added that one just fine and it's now xA7.

Still, the Hub always finds the device A5 and rejoins it as Generic Z-Wave DT Multilevel Switch. I have no idea what this device is or where it came from.
When I reboot it comes up with neighbours and a path.
I compared the signature with a working Zooz, I only have one other, and they seem to match but maybe all ZW Plus have the same info; no expert here.

Clues ZW Sherlocks?

Mystery Device\0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x70,0x5B,0x8E,0x59,0x85,0x86,0x6C,0x73,0x26,0x72,0x87,0x7A,0x5A
Zw Node Info 9C 00 04 11 00 5E 9F 55 70 5B 8E 59 85 5C 86 6C 73 26 72 87 7A 5A 68 23

Manufacturer 634
Protocol Version 7.19
Serial Number 403059FFFE096C10
Zw Node Info D3 9C 00 04 11 00 5E 9F 55 70 5B 8E 59 85 5C 86 6C 73 26 72 87 7A 5A 68 23

check your devices page (not the z-wave details page). I've seen this a couple of times. Also check your smart start and see if anything is in there. If so, trash can it.

My Devices page has the device in all it's glory looking like a functioning device.
SmartStart app and SmartStart mobile only show my one Zooz LR.

Tried the Remove in ZW status and all I get is

sys:12024-12-09 16:27:29.858
Failed node A5 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

At this point I would use a z-wave stick for removal

Afraid of that.
I tried to buy one a few years ago but always sold out.
I'll have another look at the options.

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UZB stick is good to have around. It is annoying that the SilLabs SDK that HE has had to use for certification seems to make it so easy to create ghosts.

I'm seeing Zooz, HomeSeer, and Aeotec sticks available on Amazon.

I assume this is the puppy?

Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Plus S2 USB Stick ZST10 700,

that would be fine

Proceed to Checkout :slight_smile:
Now I wait as that pesky Discover button stares me down.
Do you feel lucky? Well do ya ZW punk?