Not a great start

Well received my HE today, got is connected to the network and recognized in the portal, then preformed the update which never completed and now I can no longer connect to the HE as I get the following error

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

Emailed support guess we will see.

Try going to to get the diagnostic tool

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Your IP address also might have changed, if your router passed out a new IP when the hub rebooted. the light is green and you can't get to the hub, the changed IP is the most likely issue.

If the light is blue and you can't get to the diagnostics page, likely same issue, IP changed.

You can try:

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This worked but had to role it back does not seem to want to take the upgrade,

They've just released (in the last hour) which is supposed to resolve the issues w/updating from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5.

Do you remember what version was reported as what you were upgrading to? If it was, is available now for you to try again.

Tried 123 did not work either same issue

The generic advice for 2.2.4 to 2.2.5 updates is:

• Go to http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/
• Reboot the hub from there, see if it comes up.
• If not, go to http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/ again, revert to previous version.
• After it comes up, go to http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/ yet again and "revert" to version 2.2.5.
• It's possible that 2.2.5 is not showing as an option at this point. Use Download latest version to get it onto the hub. Doing so doesn't switch to the downloaded version, so once download is done, use revert option to switch.
• If it still doesn't come up, revert to previous version and let us know. We'll have a fix shortly.

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Instead of rolling back, try the update again, and then if it doesn't complete, try a reboot from the Diagnostic screen...that completed the update for many folks who had issues.

Pinging @gopher.ny - someone using still having issues applying the update.


going back to the diag screed and rolling back to the 2.2.5 appeared to have worked thanks for the quick responses.


Happy day! Glad you're up and running. Now you can get back to wasting time on the fun stuff.


Sorry for confusion here, but I seem to be running into the same problem, but not sure how to get around it to get to the diag screen, and/or roll back. I keep getting the screen below.

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.


  • Checking the connection
  • Checking the proxy and the firewall


Thanks for any help anyone can provide!


Your hub is likely at a different IP address:


You should see a screen showing your hub and it's IP address.

Replace "you.hubs.ip.address" in the URL below to go to your hub's diagnostic page:


Looks like you're already upgraded to

Have you tried the Reboot option on the Diagnotic menu yet? If not, do that.

Your MAC address is on a sticker on the bottom of the hub - you'll need it to do the reboot. Type it in exactly as it is on the sticker.

And remove your Hub ID from your post above...not necessarily good to share that.

Here are the steps to deal with a stuck update. And yes, please delete that hub id from the post :slight_smile:

  • Go to http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/
  • Revert to previous version.
  • After it comes up, go to http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/ yet again and "revert" to version 2.2.5.
  • It's possible that 2.2.5 is not showing as an option at this point. Use Download latest version to get it onto the hub. Doing so doesn't switch to the downloaded version, so once download is done, use revert option to switch.
  • If it still doesn't come up, revert to previous version and let us know.
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Ha! Sorry, wasn't even thinking about the implications of hub ID being posted... Have deleted. Heading downstairs after current call to start on next steps as suggested.

Thank you!


OK, reboot didn't complete (hung on "Waiting for hub to reboot..." for 10-15 minutes), but Revert worked, seems like all is functioning (just migrating from Wink, so now have the fun of excluding, resetting, and including everything...). Should I first attempt to update?

Currently have:

Hubitat Elevation® Platform Version

Hardware Version

Rev C-7

If you can "revert" to a 2.2.5 from diagnostics tool (on port 8081), it should work now. But you don't have to upgrade, can hold its own. The new version reminder is just that - a reminder.

Excellent, thank you! Will go to work on the switches, etc., now, just to start to have some control back, then turn attention to updating later.

Thanks for everyone's help, very much appreciated!


FYI...My process when I moved over from SmartThings was:

  • Excluded all devices from ST hub (Rip off the bandaid approach so I could start Hubitat w/a strong mesh built outwards from the hub)
  • Some people turn of their ST/Wink, etc., hub so it can't inadvertenly interfere w/the inclusion process.
  • Excluded each device again on HE hub before including it (insurance to ensure the device's Z-Wave info is completely clear)
  • Started w/devices closest to my hub and then moving outward, doing repeaters, plugs, and switches that were mains powered
  • Do the inclusion
  • Confirm working/controllable from HE device page
  • Do the next device....etc.

Can't rememner the exact timing but I I was able to include all my ST devices in a day or so. Rebooting after several devices may help keep the hub "fresh" while you're adding a lot of devices in a row.

If you have a bad/failed Z-Wave include, ensure you check out the Z-Wave Details page and if you have a devices that is missing data on the Clusters and/or Routing column, you'll need to remove it before continuing. Remove power from the device that didn't include properly, hit Refresh on the device row until you see a Remove button, then hit the Remove button. Search on "Removing Ghosts" if you run into those types of issues and can't resolve them.

Thank you! Since Wink went down earlier this week, I wasn't able to exclude from the hub beforehand. Not sure if that's an issue though...? So far, I haven't been able to find any devices (all Z wave). Starting at the closest ones (10-12 feet away), using all the various methods I can find mentioned to put into factory reset... Wonder if there's anything obvious I've overlooked?