Node Red Discussion II - Electric Boogaloo

Thought I'd start a new conversation on a general "HE and Node-RED" topic. I noticed we seem to really go off on a tangent (I am SO guilty of this) on the Node-RED nodes for HE thread. Figured this might be a better place so as not to distract from @fblackburn's excellent development work and community troubleshooting/assistance.

Has anyone used this??

It's tough to tell exactly how it works w/out documentation but looks intriguing.

Did you have any use cases in mind? Can it only interact with Chrome on the same device that is running Node Red? It would be cool to change dashboards on a wall tablet based on time of day, who is present, or any other trigger.

yeah that's kind of what I was thinking or pulling/setting data from a non-api site maybe.

edit: I don't know the capabilities yet. just came across it.

I clicked on the topic because of the word "Boogaloo" and in full disclosure I want you to know I am only here to make tangents.

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That is what it is all about... :rofl:

I thought that maybe we could give the NR Nodes thread a break but not many are interested.. so :man_shrugging:

At this time of night nobody gets a break from me. Loose cannon mode. Sometimes I get a kick out of reading through my very late night activity the next day. Sometimes I don't.

Depends on the :beer: factor for me...

I'm just sleep deprived. I've been up now for 21 hours. My mind is still racing from a programming session but I will soon crash.

arghh.. been there done that. brain hurts just thinking about it.

I've got a pi zero w running pi hole, that is all it's doing. Would I be able to run node red on it also? It may be pushing it for a $10 cpu...


From what I can tell I think it will. Maybe @JasonJoel can chime in on that. Doesn't require much.

Depends on use. It could run a few flows with no graphs, dashboards, or other higher memory use. Would be slow (1 GHz, single core), but would work

If you do any dashboards, graphs, or use large memory footprint nodes you may run out of memory.

Before I added a few graphs to my node-red I was using maybe 100MB ram, Now it has ballooned to 260MB.