No trending?

I am here even though I think I know the answer. How can basic trending capability not exist within Hubitat platform? I made a simple dashboard, and I can only see live but zero historical. You would expect to be able to click an attribute you threw on a native tile and just see a simple graph of some time period or a few selections (6 hours, 1 day, 1 week). Is there any way to do something like this that doesnā€™t involve in-depth database knowledge and tons of customization, connections, and maintenance?

I was actually hoping that connecting devices to HomeKit would make this easier through HomeKit iOS methods or apps, but itā€™s honestly worse over there.

It really feels like this should be solved natively somehow. Thanks for any suggestions. This is the single worst missing feature in all of the home automation solutions Iā€™ve seen so far. Nobody seems to have figured out what seems so basic to me.

Thanks for tips!!!!

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I'll admit when I first played with Home Assistant I was impressed by this being a seemingly "native" feature from a dashboard tile. I'll also prefice my comments by saying I am someone that appreciates the benefits data can bring to various situations, not just in a business context like I normally deal in.

My suspicion is that.... a) this is likely a lower priority for the general user in home automation at the moment, but that's not to say it will always be the case.... and b) Hubitat staff likely know this is an option for inclusion in a dashboard / UI, but at the moment are happy to see it satisfied by third-party solutions, stepping in as they see it becoming more of a mainstream feature... Just my 2c.

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That is also with the fact HubiGraphs gained quite a following in it's day.... So it's not to say there isn't a precedent for a popular data collection and graphing tool.... Plus much of the features of HubiGraphs are included in WebCore.... So there is some level of support and recognition in the platform, just not quite to the level of "built-in" some of us would like to see.

I canā€™t seem to find hubigraphs, could you link me to that?

Iā€™m not opposed to Home assistant but itā€™s yet ā€˜anotherā€™ service that has to be maintained. Hubitat, HomeKit, homebridge, home assistant. It does get a bit exhausting staying up to date with everything to be honest!

You can install Webcore and view graphs there:


I will try this!

Edit: Webcore is a pretty good solution. It's not a great UI as to be expected, but it does do the job!

I wish there was a way to pick another storage location for LTS. If I had it my way, I'd store everything forever (for relevant points/attributes), but it still adds up and I will hit the hubitat limit if I don't take care to painfully pick exactly what I want. Storage on my NAS is cheap and I would like to store it there. I'll make a request.

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If your NAS can run containers, then it might be fairly easy. I run InfluxDB and Grafana within Home Assistant as native 'Add-Ons', which are just containers managed by HAOS. I send data from Hubitat to Influxdb and then display that data using Grafana. There are some great threads here in the community that describe the details of setting this up.

For example, here is a Grafana dashboard that I use to monitor my Hibitat hubs


Could not agree more.

You can find Hubigraph here

but it is no longer supported so I would not invest too much time into it.

If you can figure out WebCore, more power to you. I spent a few hours on it and could not figure it out.

Just hoping HE comes to their senses and realizes UI and pretty pictures are important selling points.