No Rules working

I replaced my router and added all my devices back to the network and none of my rules will run automatically. I can run the rules manually and they run and I can see the events in the log, but they wont trigger themselves. I'm sure there is a simple explanation for this.

So you have an example rule that is not triggering? Could you post a screenshot of the rule?

I see you only just joined the Community. Welcome!! If you have issues posting a screenshot, you will need to join the Hub Owners group here

So this is a Simple Rule?

The contact sensor, what type of communication protocol does it use? Zigbee, Z-Wave, wifi? Does the status of the contact sensor update correctly on the Device Details page for the device?

It's a zigbee. I see events for the contact.

Have you tried turning on any logging options in the rule?

Oh, and some of those events have happened since you started seeing issues with your rules?

Interestingly that rule started working. All I've done is added logging and clicked done. :face_with_monocle:None of the other rules are running, but I'll try that with those as well.

The logging may not be the thing, the opening and clicking done nay be what did it.

When you were updating your network, how did you manage the HE hub? Did you simply pull the power on it at any point? Or could that have happened for any other reason?

I don't recall, it was a few weeks ago. I'm just getting around to it now. :pensive:

My suspicion is there could be some kind of database corruption involved, hence my question about pulling the power, but I'm no expert, so don't quote me in it... :slightly_smiling_face:

You could try doing a backup and soft reset, or just a soft reset if you already have a recent backup. The soft reset can be done as part of a reboot nowadays.

I did the soft reset. Back to square one again. I can see all the devices in the logs and do a "run action" and they work, but none of my Basic Rules or Rule Machine rules run on their own. Probably going to try a factory reset.

A factory reset is probably a bit extreme in this case. Do you have many rules that are affected and/or a lot of devices / apps on the HE hub?

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A little over 30 devices and 10 rules

Then I would do what we originally spoke about and open each rule and hit Done. A factory reset would require you to pair the devices again and re-create the rules.

What does the alert say in the little cloud on the top right?

??? There hasn't been any mention of an alert, unless I missed it....? @ccameron has been talking about rules not firing... but no alerts...

See his screenshot.
Not that it has anything to do with it, but could provide a clue.


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All good, I know the spot you were talking about, just hadn't been mentioned, that's what threw me.