No Response while adding hub

I have been trying over the past year to get this connected to HomeKit. I’ve reset the hub network settings with a pin. Relaxed settings, tried a static IP. Tried many other things on the forum, opened NAT, made sure most settings on auto. No micro.

My network topo is gateway -> RAE500 -> Hubitat on Ethernet.

The nighthawk is not set as an AP. The WiFi on the gateway is disabled and I need it to vlan tag so I cannot bridge it.

I would let the nighthawk VLAN tag, which was why I got it, but the DSL plug will not physically connect to the Nighthawk.

Is hubitat on the same subnet as your homekit hub? Are you blocking mdns anywhere?


Get this program zeroconfServiceBrowser | Tobias Erichsen

Look in the "HAP" group and you should see any Homekit Devices / Bridges.

I would check with the PC on the same network / vlan as the hub and also same as the mobile device you are trying to connect with.

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I’ll have to confirm the subnet. I connect with my phone when trying to connect the bridge.

I have kids so my troubleshooting time is very limited.

Still cannot add the Hub.

I am thinking it is because my centurylink modem which poe tags on dsl is not in bridge mode. It cannot support bridge mode.

My WiFi 6 modem can poe tag but does not have a dsl port. It’s bonded dsl with a solid 80/10

one digit off on the ip subnet. What’s the best way to pin down the ip on an iPhone?