"No response" using new HomeKit integration (beta)

Well, yes, on the hubitat side. I mean a program on the hub can't run if the hub isn't running. It won't reboot a homekit hub though. You will have to do that manually.

I guess I meant it would issue a Restart Integration just as if I pressed that in the app.

To clarify, I maintain a friends system. I just enabled the Homekit on his. Only about 10 devices, just switches and outlets. Did this on Wednesday afternoon. Thursday morning he was getting No Response. Using remote admin I did the restart. But he really can't do that himself. Just not computer/tech savvy enough. So thinking I could put something on a regular dashboard that would get him by if I'm not available. Hate to have to do a total reboot, but need something if it happens again.

Maybe @gopher.ny could add a hook that could restart the integration via rule. Though I know for at least during the beta he's working on possibly polling for a no response and having it restart itself. I don't know what would be involved in coding something like that. For myself it's been rock solid for the most part (once they enabled relaxed security it's been solid) I have seen one issue with buttons being persnickety but that's about it..

That has to be maddening for them to troubleshoot when it's rock solid for you and spotty for me and others.

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I read that he is probably working on some method to auto restart. Mine seems to be solid for several days, then stops. I had a handshake going on that would tell me if it did stop working, but there is currently no way to automatically issue the restart.

Been experimenting with how to detect if the integration is down if I don't happen to look at it for awhile. Here's what I ended up with that seems to work pretty good.

Once an hour I turn on a virtual switch. (In my case called Homekit Refresh). Then in the Home app on my Iphone I created an automation. When it sees the Refresh come on it turns on another virtual switch. (Homekit Handshake). In my HE app if I don't see that switch come on within 30 seconds of turning the Refresh switch on I send myself a pushover notification.

At least that way I know if it bombs and can maybe get on and do a restart. If HE gets it exposed so I can automatically do a restart I can simply change things to do that.

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My Friend's system is still acting up. He has an Ipad which apparently didn't have the latest firmware on it. It also doesn't have the Home app on it. Even tho it doesn't have the Home app, could the firmware on it not being up to date cause the issue? I'm having him update it, but wondering if that could have been causing the problem.

EDIT: Should have mentioned, he does have a Homepod Mini which is up to date.

I like this as a stopgap. I have been toying with using extra smart plugs to reboot my hubs when I need to. I have an extra EVE Thread one I can put behind the Hubitat hub and an extra Z-Wave one I can put behind my HomePod. That way whatever system is having issues I can use the other to re-start things. Unless they are both down but then I probably have a power outage or bigger issues anyway.


I’d take it as a very good sign that this thread has gone dormant since you added the hourly restart of he HomeKit Integration app. I’ve had zero issues with it since then.

I still have them but they go away more quickly. I'm in kind of a unique situation but I would still think it would fix itself faster. I live about 60 miles south of the US border in Mexico. I have a US cell plan but to keep my plan happy I have data turned off unless I absolutely need it. So every time I leave the house I get "No response" as would be expected with no data. But upon return it can take over an hour to reconnect. Even manually doing the reconnect never worked for me. The other odd thing is my iPad that never leaves the house also has the same issue when the iPhone is not getting a response neither is the iPad. :man_shrugging:

Posting in here as I had started a new post before I saw this and

I've been having the same issues and tried a bunch of things. For some reason my hub was on with no software update available but this morning I saw Hopefully that fixes my no response issues.

Things I've tried:

  • Rebooted the Hubitat hub (ethernet connected)
  • Rebooted the AppleTV (ethernet connected)
  • Rebooted the Alexa/Echo Dots (5Ghz)
  • Relaxed home hub pairing security
  • Made sure everything was marked as a Switch
  • Restarted Integration
  • Reset QR and pairing code
  • Updated all Z-Wave device firmware
  • Made sure all iOS devices were on the latest software
  • Full Z-Wave reset and pairing
  • Just reserved the IP on DHCP on my router

Thank you @rlithgow1 for suggesting that.

16.2 or 16.3 (16.3 fixed a bunch of stuff)

Has 16.3 been released?

Probably Monday.

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16.2, 16.3 isn't an option for me.

Yes, all my stuff is on it.

Yes but you also do iOS beta, I don't think its public yet as I checked this morning and 16.2 is newest for me.

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My Homepods aren't on the beta......only my phone is. It came down Friday for me.

It is probably coming tomorrow. They released the GM beta on Thursday so if no issues they should go tomorrow.