No response from hub

I have created a simple rule that I plan to kick off from an iOS shortcut using a Cloud End Point.

When I run the shortcut (that is pointing to the Cloud End Point) I get the response "No response from hub". I get the same response if I click on the Cloud End Point link within the rule.

Here's what I've tried:

  • I've deleted and recreated the rule many times
  • I've rebooted the hub (C-7, running
  • I've performed a Soft Reset
  • I've performed a successful Ping to

I am using an Eero mesh network (which has worked fine with this hub in the past).

A Local End Point works just fine.

Am I missing something? Can anyone think of what I might be doing wrong?


Can you specify how you did this?

Using the “Ping Host” on the Network Test page.

That's what I wanted to make sure of. :slight_smile:

That should work. The only other thing I didn't see you try is a network reset on the hub, but it probably won't change much if everything else seems to be working.

I don't suppose you have an unusual network setup at home, like a firewall or rules on your router to prevent inbound traffic to some devices, multiple vLANS, or anything else that might be interfering?

The only other thing I didn't see you try is a network reset on the hub…

How would I perform this?


My Eero router does have a firewall and port forwarding. In the past I didn’t need to set anything up but it could be blocking I suppose. Are ports besides 80 being used?

I performed the Network Reset but, unfortunately, I'm still getting the "No Response from Hub" message.

443 for HTTPS. Port 8080 is also an alternate for 80 on the hub (though not used if you do), and port 8081 gets you the diagnostic tool. Typically, however, these last two will only be used locally (not sure where your rules are).

You do not need to open any ports to the WAN for the hub to work normally, unless you have something configured to specifically block traffic to the hub.

The ping test you did, tests an outgoing DNS and ping.

Something is blocking inbound connections to the hub.

If you use the mobile app at all, disconnect from your home wifi, can you control any devices from the app or a dashboard?

Is the hub connected via ethernet or Wifi? If ethernet, is it on the main router or a mesh node? Do the nodes have a wired backhaul or Wifi?

Go here: My Hubitat > Registered Hubs tab
Click on Hub Details. Check the Last Checkin and Active status

When I disconnect from my wifi and attempt to go to "Dashboards" within the mobile app I get "No response from hub" instead. I also cannot control anything from the Devices page.

The hub is connected via ethernet to the main router. The additional node is hard wired to the main router.

  • Last Checkin:

07/20/2024 - 12:52:26

  • Active?:


The current time as I'm writing this is 6:27pm.

It seems you are correct. I'll explore that further and see if I can figure out where and if I can fix it.

Did you find any solution for this? Mine started doing the same thing 3 days ago. All links to have stopped working, as well as most of the functionality of the mobile app (dashboards, devices tab, notifications tab, etc.).

Nevermind, I rebooted my router, and it seems to be working now.

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