No response from hub

No response from hub. I can still get to dashboard with remote access so i am connected to internet. Cant access dashboards with local lan. alexa app not recognizing devices. I have reset both my router and the hubitat with no luck. where to go next

Your ip on the hub changed. In your web browser go to hubitat.local. Note the ip address. Set a reservation in your router so it doesn't change again.

Cant access hubitat.local. My IP address is the same as it has always been by looking at it from remote access. My desktop wont even find the hub with a hub search

Definitely sounds like a lan issue. If you're getting cloud access it's physically connected to the internet. Work backwards from the router and check lan configs and cables (make sure blink lights are blinking on the right ports. If not check cables). Try a traceroute to it and see where it fails on your LAN.

Thanks. It has worked fine for 2+ years and all of a sudden went nuts.

Has anything changed on your LAN / Switches? Do you use VLANs at all or guest networks?
Does the hub have a static IP set on the hub, or a DHCP reserved IP on the router, or neither?

What do you mean by reset? Did you use the network reset button on the bottom of the hub?

Had a corrupted database. Was able to go into diagnostics and do a soft reset. Then reload backup database. I found out that our power had gone out a few times the day this occured while I was at work. All is good now. Thanks everyone for your help and support.


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