[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] MY GOD - Anyone attempted an LG ThinQ integration?

First off, I've read this thread from beginning to end and the journey it describes is nothing short of impressive. Awesome work to everyone!

As someone who is currently migrating from ST to HE (I have a C7) I would love to use this on my Hub. However, I'm confused as to which repo I need to be grabbing code from to install.

I have an LG Washer and Dryer and wouldn't mind being another source of feedback for the development of this!

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Here's the repo: GitHub - dcmeglio/hubitat-thinq


Ok, so I got the app and drivers installed and proceeded through setup. I noticed reading through the thread that others were using a Google account linked to ThinQ, but, mine is linked to my Amazon account. Note sure if this is odd or not, but I was also redirected to a Korean URL after linking. I did receive some log entries that may be helpful.

Edit: My devices seem to be reporting OK.

Apologies for asking so many noobish questions - HE is new to me and coming from ST it's like someone handed me the keys to the castle. Has anyone actually been able to control a washer or dryer? I am getting reporting just fine but I would like to use Webcore to initiate some actions and wanted to confirm this was possible before I headed down the rabbit hole.

No. There is no control. I do not believe the devices support this? Does the ThinQ mobile app allow control of them?

Only one specific control. The washer has to be powered on and remote-start turned on. Only then can you trigger the cycle from the app. That's about it.

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Ran loads of laundry through my washer and dryer this weekend. Setup to announce the cycles on my google home as a test.

Worked beautifully..


This app doesn’t currently have the ability to control devices, it only reads device state.

That’s about all the LQ Mobile app does too, still waiting on the version that sorts, loads, unloads, dries and folds the clothes for me....:crazy_face:

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I'm not complaining in any way; everyone in involved was amazing in getting the app to the point it is today. I was asking simply because I thought it would be awesome to configure a piston that watched the time of day and fired the remote start trigger at a certain time. That is literally the only thing the ThinQ app can do with the washer and dryer that I have.

Did you try, when remote control is ON to power on from webcore ?

After manually setting remote control on the washer I don't see why you would not be able to start it from Webcore since the option Power ON is present in the actions.

I did not try it but I think it could work like in the app.

@dman2306: I tested many cycles today and I had a problem. The washer was perfect. But for the dryer, the remainingTimeDisplay was strange. It passed

from 5 minutes to zero then
from 4 minutes to zero then
from 3 minutes to zero then...

The time in HE was 5 minutes only 1 second then became zero for the next minute. Same after that, the remainingTime was displayed in HE for just one second. My dryer fault or the driver ? On the dryer itself it is the good time remaining displayed.

Edited: Next cycle it works fine ! Strange a temporary bug somewhere ?

Threw this together today while at work so I'll check my logs and such once I get home and configure a load to wash tomorrow for testing. Results forthcoming; stay tuned.


It definitely won’t turn it on. No code exists to control the device.

Will have to look

Ah, gotcha...will leave it alone then.

I thought that when we see a control in HE that you had coded something for it. What we see then comes from the API ?

The control is not implemented currently. I plan to build it, I just haven’t completely figured out how to do it yet.

  1. My wife is really happy that you added TimeRemaining as a trigger :wink: So Thank you for her (and me). Great job !

  2. I tried to manually add LG ThinQ integration to Package manager and it does not work. Is it normal ?

Any plans to add support for the air purifiers like lg connector had?