[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] MY GOD - Anyone attempted an LG ThinQ integration?

Thanks, I'm actually already playing with it. I don't think it'll be a ton of work to get this resolved.

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If you get a minute, could you confirm this at least reports the door open/close and other values (everything except temp?) GitHub - dcmeglio/hubitat-thinq at fridge-fixes

I have to figure out the temp conversion for your fridge but wanted to at least make sure this was working to communicate.

I assume we are still dead in the water in canada when we get this certificate error? I just tried the integration got the same error

As I understood, @gopher.ny will try something. I'd love if somebody could find a fix since I can't.

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Yeah. The cert error would require either LG to fix the cert (doubtful they care) or HE to add an option to ignore invalid certs. If they add that feature I’ll definitely fix it but as @gopher.ny said, they make no promises.

I wrote to Hubitat Support to request that change. You should write too, if they get many requests maybe they will do something.

An update for anyone receiving certificate errors, I found the pattern, there is something different between the C5 and C7. The app runs just fine on a C5 but seems to have SSL Certificate errors on a C7. I've shared code that reproduces the problem on a C7 but works on a C5 with the HE team, but no promises on when/if they will fix it. Unfortunately, for the time being, this app does not work on a C7. If anyone DOES have it working on a C7 I'd love to know!

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interesting.. so there is hope!

The problem is that the underlining certs (/.../lib/security/cacerts) used by the integrated JVM are expired.

The problem is very simple to resolve, they just need to update the JVM or upgrade the list of certs keytool

But this can only be done my the HE Team: @mike.maxwell | @bravenel | @bcopeland

The certificate is no longer trusted, not expired. Use ATS endpoints for AWS MQTT as per How AWS IoT Core is Helping Customers Navigate the Upcoming Distrust of Symantec Certificate Authorities | The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog. C5s have older JDK, where certificate in question is still trusted, so it works on C5s, but not on C7s.


I have a fix courtesy of @gopher.ny I just need to merge it tonight


Nice, hopefully we can get this working again :slight_smile:

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post when its available.. more than happy to try it out.. :grinning:

Merged. Give it a go!

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well, we're close. I have both a washer and a dryer. I'm not getting the error on the washer anymore, but I am getting the same error on the dryer

dev:5562021-02-04 09:42:33.094 pm warnDryer Lost connection to MQTT, retrying in 15 seconds MqttException (0) - javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: TLS Server certificate issued after 2019-04-16 and anchored by a distrusted legacy Symantec root CA: CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

You will need to completely uninstall and reinstall the app.

Ok, I think we're good. I thought I had deleted/reinstalled everything, but apparently not.

Anyways, I nuked again, re-installed again, and I am not seeing the errors in the logs. It looks to be talking ok now with LG. I'll give it a more thorough test tomorrow, but so far, so good.



I have a ThinQ Washer/Dryer and now i think it's working, no erros in the logs. Great work. I will test tomorrow. Thanks.

I also confirm we are back in business!
Thanks @dman2306

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@dman2306: Great job with it. Thank you for your good work !

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