No headings on cut copy lists

When editing actions, there are three lists showing statements. One list is for statements to be deleted, one is for statements to be cut and one is for statements to be copied. Problem is, there are no headings on these lists, so it’s difficult to understand and remember which list is which.

What are you talking about -- there are indeed headings on each list. Show a screenshot to illustrate, like this:

What browser is that? Also, be sure you have not inadvertently turned on the option for Screen Reader on the Settings page -- it should be off:

That browser is Safari under iPadOS (latest version). Exact same results using either Edge or Chrome under Windows 10. Screen reader is off.

What size of iPad are you using?

It’s an iPad Mini, but that’s irrelevant since I get the same screen on a Windows laptop (15.4”).

Here's how it looks under Windows 10 (Edge browser):