New ZSE29 Zooz Outdoor Motion Sensor Readings

I see where this motion sensor has adjustable pots for 'motion time-out' and 'lux level trigger' so I am wondering if there is a way to read these values and have them available (device page) so we know what they are set at in case we want to match the values as close as possible with other units. thanks

No idea since they didn't seem to publish their zwave capabilities document (yet?) like they are supposed to, or include the config paramater list in the documentation (at least not in any documents I saw).

Without that, someone will need to poke through each parameter and try to figure out what it does. For something you can adjust with a pot, that might not be too hard - but will take someone that has the device sitting down and spending the time to do it.

So hopefully Zooz will publish the list of parameters (like they are supposed to).

I just sent off an email to Agnes at TheSmartestHouse. We will see what she says. Thanks for the reply.

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If they publish it, someone could make a user driver to expose it in literally a few minutes. It is a simple device.

Great. I will let you know what she says and hopefully I can attach a file.

I am thinking the lux setting would be the most beneficial.

If available, it would definitely be a useful reading.

Based on the command classes they list for the device, though, I'm not super optimistic that they expose it externally.

I created the ST handler based off of the engineering specs and the current version of the device doesn't support configuration parameters or report lux so this device is fully functional with Hubitat's built-in generic driver.

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Well, there ya go.

I kind of guessed that based on the command classes, and the bold note at TheSmartestHouse that says no "advanced configuration".... :wink:

Another 'swing and a miss' for Zooz in my book.

Yes that is unfortunate. We are simply asking to read the values, but oh well. I am sure I will get a no back from Agnes. Thanks guys.

If exposing those features doesn't require a hardware change then at some point they'll probably release a firmware update that does so. (this is purely speculation)

Very possibly. I don't buy devices for possible future functionality, though. So I'll stick with my multisensor 6's.

While not outdoor rated, they hold up very well if you are able to keep them out of the rain.

I threw a very small bead of clear silicone around the lens and also around the seam of the shell of the main unit where they join together. Hoping that might help. Putting a small bead around the back plate and where the adapter cord comes out probably wouldn't hurt either. Might be a problem if battery operated but not with the adapter.

I didn't even bother going that far, and mine have been outside for >2 years.

But I'm in Texas, so rain is the only real consideration other than blistering heat. And the same cover that keeps mine out of the rain, keeps them out of the sun most of the day.

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Yeh I would think putting some sort of shelf above them or having them under the eave would work.

We're working on a firmware update to enable advanced settings, including the time-out interval and sensitivity for motion. Not sure if that will be possible without hardware changes and if we could also add the lux readings to report since it will all affect battery life as well but we'll definitely try!

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see in the next version.


Thanks Agnes. I am looking forward to your updates and changes. I think there are probably quite a few others that are interested also.


Being that this sensor has direct power capability, consideration for battery life should be at the bottom of the priority list IMO, I was going to buy one of these mainly for the outdoor rated AND being an outdoor repeater while plugged in, but if these updates are not possible without hardware changes, I believe I'll wait for the next version.

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Just a quick update on the advanced settings for the ZSE29 Outdoor Motion Sensor - we'll be adding a motion retrigger interval setting to the next production run which is scheduled for next month and will be released in mid-June. We couldn't push it much farther due to low inventory so we'll be adding more settings in subsequent updates. I'll keep you posted.


Hi guys, just a quick update, the new outdoor motion sensor is already available here. We added 2 parameters to adjust advanced settings for motion retrigger and lux trigger adjustment so once you make the adjustments in the hub, it will overwrite the manual knob settings. This version was just a software update so we have an OTA file to share if anyone needs it (request it here, remember to include your order number).

As mentioned before, we're working on a new version with motion sensitivity settings and a few other advanced adjustments. The new VERSION 2.0 will be released in early October and, since it requires a hardware update, you won't be able to update your current version to the 2.0 version via OTA so please keep that in mind.

What is needed in order to perform this OTA software update?