New user security question

Hello all
Im a new user and currently waiting for my Hubitat C8, very excited to get it up and running over here. Currently my hubitat will arrive in Miami at my friends place and he will ship it out to Denmark with a bunch of other stuff. so Super excited to get one.

So mainly Ill be using hubitat for security with apple homekit, also pretty new user there, Im gonna migrate from smartthings to hubitat.

so I do have a few questions I hope I can get some answers to:
Im looking to use homekit to arm and disarm the security system with sensors, and cameras, currently in smartthings I never figures out to activate all routines at once when arming the security system, i had to activate all sensors and cameras manually, Im pretty sure theres an easier way on smartthings.

Now Im going all local, so I was hoping someone could tell me if arming and disarming the security system, will I be able to activate all sensors at once and when disarming, then sensors deactivates at once, or perhaps poijt me in the direction to read it, Ill be going through alot of the documentation while waiting for the hub to arrive.

Also I see that you can use Heimdall security on homey pro which is a community app, I was hoping maybe there would be something simular on hubitat??

thanks in advance

The door/window monitor function of Hubitat is via a built-in App called HSM. (Hubitat Safety Monitor) The documentation is focused on how to use it, which makes a 1:1 feature list a challenge when trying to compare to someone else's package, such as Heimdall (Norse mythology)