If I understand your requirements correctly, you want to ensure that the recirculating pump runs anytime someone uses the hot water in the kitchen (faucet or dishwasher) or in the bathrooms (Guest or Master).
Writing a rule in Rule Machine, Webcore or Groovy would allow this to be automated.
I typically use Rule Machine to write rules, and in this scenario, I would start with the following setup and rule.
Setup virtual switches for every situations/locations (use names you like - I will set some here for ease of use):
- Create a virtual switch called Dishwasher. Setup this virtual switch to turn off automatically in 60 minutes (see “More Information” below for one way to get the switch to automatically turn off after the set amount of time)
- Create virtual switches called KitchenHandFaucet, one called BathroomFaucet and one called MasterFaucet. Setup these switches to turn off automatically in 5 minutes
- Create a virtual switch called KitchenDishes and set it to automatically turn off in 15 minutes
- Create a virtual switche called MasterShower and set it to automatically turn off in 60 minutes (or however long you think the longest shower would be).
Create a Rule Machine Rule:
Dishwasher, KitchenHandFaucet, BathroomFaucet, MasterFaucet, KitchenDishes, MasterShower —> Any turns on
Turn on recirculating pump
Wait for condition: Dishwasher, KitchenHandFaucet, BathroomFaucet, MasterFaucet, KitchenDishes, MasterShower —> All off
Turn off recirculating pump
Link all the Virtual Switches to Google Home:
Install or use the “Google Home” built-in app to add all the virtual switches to Google Home
Setup rules in Google Home that will allow you to turn them on or off as you wish, or just continue using voice commands like you did before, but with the new names. When any one of them is on, the recirculating pump will run until they are all off.
Possible Enhancements:
- Purchase some motion sensors (PIR or mmWave) and place them in a spots that allows them to see motion in areas where hot water may be used (faucets or shower). Add the sensors in the rule as additional triggers and in the “Wait” condition. This will automatically turn on the pump when presence (for mmWave sensors) or motion (for PIR sensors) is detected in those areas.
- Purchase an energy meter pug or sensor for the dishwasher, and add a trigger for the rule that when it is above a set value (ex.: 20W), the rule should run. Add an “AND” condition to the “Wait” condition that the energy meter must be under a certain wattage for it to trigger.
More Information:
To allow for the switches to easily automatically turn off at the set times, you can add the following code to your hub’s “Drivers Code” tab by clicking on “+ New Driver” and then “Import” and pasting the following link to it:
Then select this virtual switch driver when you create your virtual switches.
If you want to give this a try but any of the steps sound too complex, or you’re not sure how to perform them, just let us know where you get stuck and I or someone else wil be able to help out.