New to Hubitat, no LED upon plugging in

I got my Habitat c-8 delivered in the mail the other day. Upon plugging in USB power and ethernet cable, no LED light ever lights up on the Habitat. I am unable to find it with and do not see it as a device connected to my router. Suggestions on what could be wrong?

Sorry to hear of this. Please send an email to If you bought it on our website, include the order number. If you bought it somewhere else, like Amazon, include your shipping address. We will get you a replacement.

In the meantime, try a different power supply, any USB power adapter will do.


Try a different 1a or higher supply block (from a phone works as long as its 1a or higher).
Try a different USB cable.

If neither of those works, sounds like its DoA

Submit warranty claim: Warranty – Hubitat Support

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