New Switch Not Reporting State

Hub C-5

Installed a new High Amp switch. Its running Tasmota 14.1.0
Local and direct device toggle control not reporting to HUB.
All of my other devices are running 8.3.1(tasmota-he).
They have been running for years without any problems.
I cant get that bin to upload it's failing.
I seem to remember I will have to go back to a minimal version before I upload 8.3.1(tasmota-he).
I dont want to do an OTA flash and loose WIFI then have to do a serial flash.
All my tasmota devices are basic on/off, nothing fancy.
Or is there an option to set?

Please provide your hub model (C7, C8, etc.) and its platform version from Settings>Hub Details.

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You can use later versions of Tasmota, but not with the same integration you are currently using.

There is another integration for those. I have been successfully using it for a while now.

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Got it to work, the driver didn't upload so I had to copy an paste it.
Thanks I haven't messed with this stuff for a couple of years and plum forgot how to do anything.
I had started reading about the tasmota sync drivers drivers but got degusted and almost dumped all the hardware.
It looked like after Markus bailed out that it was over for the tasmota esp8266 devices and hubitat.
I didn't realize that back peddling to an old tasmota release would be a mission
I may have to put some more gear in. I appreciate the help!

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You might also find this thread useful if any of your Tasmota devices are sensors.