New switch appears fine in devices page, nothing in logs or apps

With C8 v2.3.9.160 I just added a new Tuya 4 button switch. In devices, all 4 buttons affect the status properly. I wanted this switch to have the same functionality as another 4 button switch, so I cloned it to create the button controller for the new switch. After making a few adjustments in the new controller app, I tried it out and got no actions fired. There was not even any action in the logs. I rebooted the C8 but still no luck. How can this be if the device details show the responses to all 4 buttons? Also the new button control does not appear in http://myip:myport/devicedata.json

Show a screenshot from the events tab of the device page, and also a screenshot of your rule (or one of the rules).

This device sends 2 duplicated button events on every key press….

For Tuya buttons I can recommend the Tuya Scene Switch TS004F driver (w/ healthStatus) which handles this Tuya bug properly.

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Did you possibly select the wrong device on the BC parent app, and then rename the childs to be (4) instead of the selected (3) device?




Ah, good catch! I'll replace the driver and fix the app issues. I had cloned the "3" button to the "4" and missed the references somehow. The "in use by" list for button 3 shows both apps 3 & 4 listed, None listed for button 4.

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