First I would like to say that I am delighted with my Hubitat Elevation. It's everything I hoped for and much more! Thanks Hubitat guys!!!
Well, I would humbly like to suggest a new UI for the rule machine.
So, instead of this:
I would like to suggest something like this:
The button at the header would add a new statement at the top;
For each row, the buttons would do (from left to right) at the respective statement:
. add new statement after this row
. accept changes in this row
. edit the statement in this row
. delete the statement in this row
. comment the statement in this row
. uncomment the statement in this row
. move up the statement in this row
, move down the statement in this row
Of course some buttons will only appear based on the current context.
With this UI I think we can have a more straightforward editing of the statements of the RM.
What do the community think about that? And Hubitat?
Best wishes for everybody!