New Model C-7 Hub Coming Soon

Based on 700 series specs, I anticipate it will.

There's a nice comparison of 300, 500 and 700 series here:

The relevant portion is:


As my deployment hub has been flakey, not starting up even to 8081 and now totally died this has come at a great time for me for once,

It would be very cool if I could take the z-wave/zigbee stick from my C4 hub and transfer all the devices into a new C7 hub with its internal radios.

Either way, I’m probably going to try to order one too, even though I have two functioning hubs!

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Psssttttt .......

looks sideways quickly and whispers

Put me down for one but don’t let my wife know about it since we already have a Hubitat hub and I am going to pull a switchadoo like she’ll never know!!!


This sounds great. I have two questions.

When you move everything over from one hub to another with that “new service” would this include (i know it is a dirty word for some) webcore, applications and settings/authentication, along with custom drivers too!?!?

Other questions would be: Would there be a discount for existing C-5 users/customers?

I have for the most part transferred all my stuff over from ST and overall, it has been great. Somethings work differently once, you figure that out, it’s not bad. Bought ST 2 year+ ago, bought C-5 maybe 6 months ago and I would really like the S2 compatibility; so now, x cost. I’m sure you understand. Thanks.

I would be completely shocked if any company did this let alone a small one like Hubitat. Wishful thinking though!

Probably way too early to tell. That announcement doesn't necessarily say that the new transfer is imminent, nor does it say it will happen simultaneously with the arrival/shipping of the new hubs. It would be nice if it was "soon", (whatever "soon" means nowadays) but I suppose time will tell.

oooooh! can't wait! need to pair my inovelli switches with something! save me one everyone!


I do wish they had upgraded the processor too...excited to see what software changes come with it....



12 posts were split to a new topic: Zigbee 3.0 and C7 hub

Put me down for the pre-order :tada: :tada:

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This is super news! Thanks to you Bruce and all the Hubitat gang for all they do to improve this product. It gives me hours of entertainment along with a great and very reliable home automation system.



If you don't throw it out there you get nothing. In addition some hardware manufacturers have offered a small discount. However, typical you did have to return or get rid of the old device. Just figured I'd ask.

I agree lots of vendors give discounts. Especially to developers that are aiding in improvements and marketability of their products. So I would be all in for discounts for developers :smile: so they could get cheaper and first access to develop for the environment. And no. I don't develop for Hubitat.

Of course they will have high demand, and likely low inventory for the new hub for some time. So I'll stand by my $299 price for my extra dev C-5 hub. lol 1st come, 1st serve. :slight_smile:


So what about hub migration? Anything in the works there? :wink:

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I'm assuming that price includes the key codes for all the smart locks on your house. Oh, and the 4 digit pin for your HSM setup :rofl:

They said...


:slight_smile: I am of course kidding. I wouldn't gouge someone that much for a hub. I have to live myself in the end.