New mode manager problems with presence

I really dislike the new mode manager. I can't get it to work with presence or switches. The logic appears right but it's not working. Is it possible to get the old version back? I am not a fan of these tables. I dislike them so much I may just enable the Home Assistant integration and just use Hubitat as my coordinator. It's so frustrating to finally have everything working to all the sudden have a dozen to do fixes.

You can get the old version back if you restore a database (or possibly an app export) from before it was removed. There are some bugs that were fixed, however, so you may want to keep the newest version. You may wish to share a screenshot of your setup and a description of your problem; perhaps there is a bug or misconfiguration, either of which can be addressed.

Presence on this app just doesn't work so I've had to get creative. I use a virtual switch in Alexa and use its presence to determine home/away. When I'm away Alexa turns the switch on, when I'm home it turns off. This has worked flawlessly for months but now it doesn't. Am I not understanding this table. It seems it should be working.

@bravenel .
I also started testing new mode manager and noticed that it does not work correctly with presence sensors. I'm using Life360 presence sensors if that is an issue. Earlier with legacy it was not.

I had simple rule: when all 4 presence sensors are "not present" > set mode to away.
That did not work. I had imported my rules from legacy app. That could be the reason?

I removed mode manager and installed it again. After that I made same rules again. I was not at home when I was testing it so all presence sensors were not present and after I saved app configuration -> rule did still not work. I changed mode manually to "away".

Second rule I created was when one of the presence sensors changes to "present" then change mode to home. That seemed to work because mode really changed as I arrived home.

3 presence sensors at the moment are "not present". I configurate mode manager to change mode to "away" when all those three are "not present". At the moment while I'm testing mode does not change.
So for me it seems like mode manager does not work correctly. Should I go back to legacy?

EDIT: changing modes based on time works correctly.

Please show a screenshot of the Mode Manager set up page.

Additionally I use Joe Pages dashboard for work presence. He somehow got it to work through all the battery optimizations at least for me with a Pixel 6. This one I'm trying to use as a check point because I work in a large area that a traditional geofence radius would be way too large. Does this rule look right.

I've decided to use a rule and just skirt around mode manager. In the past I used a huge radius and a delay for staying inside, which worked but wasn't ideal as the radius has grown to over 5 miles. This all somehow worked but my Alexa presence switch would continue showing me away, though Hubitat showed me at work, which is what I wanted. Does my rule supercede the mode? I'm curious how this conflict is resolved for future use when Joe may include multiple geofences.

I probably found the reason why it wasn't working. Tomorrow I need to test it again while we are all away from home.
If I remember right importing from legagy app did create two lines for the presence sensors. First line was for mode "away" and second line was for mode "home". Just a couple of hours ago I noticed that there is third line which is the last line of my screenshot "presence to return from away".
Those two "Home" and "away" lines were configured automatically and I did not understand that I need to configure that third line too. Actually I configured that last line and removed that addiotional "home" line. Could it be that because configuration was not fully made mode manager did work just partly.

If you could show the Mode Manager Legacy page, then I could track down its apparent failure to set this up properly.

Isn't that presence return from away only for time based presence? I've personally never understood why that's even there. While many people do follow a schedule, nobody adheres to it perfectly, hence IMHO not a good choice.

@jnosa899 I'm not sure. I tried to figure out how to achieve everything that I needed from mode manager.
I want to:
day mode: at 04.00
night mode: at 23.00
away mode: when everybody leaves
home mode: when anyone arrives
and day and night mode should't run when away mode is on.

I hope that it will work like this with the current configuration.

@bravenel I already removed legacy app and I'm just using new mode manager. My configuration in legacy was same as I descriped.

This Mode Manager configuration works perfectly (Home, Away) for our Life360 presence devices and Harmony (Theater) device.


I have the exact same use case and in regards to presence changes after migration, it’s not working at all. I guess the migration added more lines to the second table and I just configure mine as per previous post. Fingers crossed!

The patch last night seems to have fixed it. All my presence modes are working again.

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Does that work differently in the new app? I use that in the legacy version and have not updated yet. But, the way mine works, when I return from away, it resumes the schedule I have set. So, the fact that I don't always follow the schedule is exactly WHY I use that function. I have different lighting and or notifications based on time. I just want the mode to return to my time based modes when I return from away. That can be done in the new version, correct?

My setup works now! Migration did create additional lines and that was a problem. Removed all migrated rules and build rules from the start..and now it is working.


There is still a bug in about this, fixed in the next release due out soon.


Looks like everything is fine now :slight_smile:


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