New Mobile App - Can not connect to dash on 5g?

I can't seem to connect to the dashboard that I normally use when I'm on the cellular.
I was able to on the old app Its original legacy dashboard that I want to be able to see on cellular.
On the new app when you go into the dashboards it lists several dashboards and I can get the sum of them even legacy ones but not my main dashboard Very strange.
Also I see that there is an area to add a custom dashboard and if I use The cloud dashboard link.
It does not add it to the main dashboard area of the new app.

Any suggestions how to get this to work ?

Thanks for your feedback. The custom dashboard issue has been fixed in the next update. Worth mentioning, you do not need to use the cloud end point of a built-in Hubitat dashboard to access the dashboards remotely. Both the Hubitat Dashboard and Easy Dashboard come with free remote access. There is now a known issue displaying the dashboards remotely that will also be addressed in the next release.


Ok .. But I still can not connect to the "EZ-HOME" Or My "EZ-ET-HOME" Dashes.
They are both " legacy " Dashes. on 5g

Correct, that's the other issue that will be fixed in the next release.

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Cool .. thanks !