Already a fan of the new dashboard

I like the way the new ez dashboard works now, Will be interesting to see what else will com ein updates to this.
Howeve since Im still very new on hubitat, can someone point me in the direction of how I can reduce the number of tiles, I have several sensors that can show lux, temp etc, but how do I actually add these attributes on the same motion sensor tiles, like you see on the picture that hubitat have showed, the same goes for the HSM tile , I have no idea how to make these
any help appreciated


Enter edit mode on the dashboard, click the cog/settings icon on the tile, and pick MultiSensor tile type. That should do it. Exit edit mode to save.

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thank you sir ! I guess it was that easy, so its seems I gotta change all that in the hubitat board before copying it as ezboard

But if Multi Sensor has too many attributes (for instance, Weather Station) is it any way to to filter out undesired attributes?

It doesn't show up in the app.????

I just found this new dashboard.
How do you install it?

Go to Dashboards (not Apps if you are used to this from the past...EDIT: actually, this has been added now too). There is nothing else to "install," just a matter of creating one.


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Even though it's pre-installed as @bertabcd1234 mentioned above, we figured that some users may like to be able to use the old method as well, so that is also available.

You can go to Apps then Built-in apps and look for Easy Dashboard. It will take you to the main Dashboards page:


Rookie Question. I have two out of 6 or so dashboard that now show up as EZ and neither of these EZ dashboard will load on my Android phone. I get {"error:true";"AppExceptioni","message":"Not Found"}

Also, my dashboard shortcuts never have worked all of the time. sometimes they work but most of the time the don't and when they don't I sometimes see a message about legacy shortcuts not being supported. Today they are working at the moment, at least locally.

Thanks for the the help!

Are you using the cloud UI link from here?


Yes but I never updated the link after the new dashboards rolled out and maybe I shoud have. SO this morning when I opened the original cloud dashboard it was the same, shortcuts to other dashboards didnt work but when I clicked here
image It opened a new screen that I have never seen before and from here I could open the dashboards that I couldnt open before.

SO I take it that I need to update the starting dashboard URL in my app to the latest cloud link for my main phone dashboard and then everything should work. I will give that a go. Thank you for the tip!

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More info on some known issues that may be related in this post from HE:

The custom dashboard issue has been fixed in the next update. Worth mentioning, you do not need to use the cloud end point of a built-in Hubitat dashboard to access the dashboards remotely. Both the Hubitat Dashboard and Easy Dashboard come with free remote access.

There is now a known issue displaying the dashboards remotely that will also be addressed in the next release.

So after updating the main dashboard URL in the app setting on the phone, its the same. the dashboard opens but the links to other dashboards don't initially work. But now when I go to the dashboard menu in the top left I see the new styled list of dashboards and they all open and the dashboard links on these dashboards do work. It seems to only be the dashboard loaded from the app has the links that don't work.

No big deal. I can at least open all of the dashboards from my phone now.

see this ?

Ah, I think I confused you using a web browser on your phone vs. the app on your phone. You're using the HE mobile app to access your dashboards, correct?

If you're using the HE app to access your dashboards, you don't have to enter any URLs in the app or dashboard'll get access to your dashboards locally on Wi-Fi and remotely on mobile data, both are supported. As noted above there are some issues that are being worked on...

If you have more questions about access ask them in the topic above, in a reply to Bobby, so the info is in one place.

Exactly the same issue I was having. I did update the firmware and I do now have the new styled dashboard list that is working. Only issue now is the dashboard that opens from the App is a remote dashboard and the dashboard links don't work until I go open a dashboard from the newly styled menu, then they all work.

I'm on a C-8 with and iPhone app version 2.01 (280). On my iPhone I no longer have the compass navigation button, just the left arrow that takes me immediately back to the main dashboard page. I do have the navigation button on my Mac dashboards for the same rooms.

Also, please put the dashboard name in the green caption at the top instead of just "Dashboard"/