NEW IOS app - unsupported devices

  1. Tons of unsupported devices
  2. No history for devices

#1 MUST be fixed .....why is this acceptable ?

If you Connect to the Hub and use the Device tab do you see the correct data?

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You’re not the first person to notice this.

My understanding is they’ve been working on adding support for as many devices as possible to the mobile apps for some time now.

It used to be that “unsupported” devices were hidden from view in the mobile app.

But some people found that confusing and brought that up here in the forum.

Now the devices do show up, but are confirmed as “unsupported” so that users don’t question why they aren’t showing up in the mobile app at all.

Over time, this problem should solve itself as they add support for more built-in device drivers to the mobile apps.


wow, i did not see that ...but after poking around a bunch I found that if you

  1. click on the upper left head
  2. click on Registered Hubs
  3. click on Connect to Hub
    You can then see devices and it has all the right features.

I apologize for not knowing that... not sure if there is a way to make that more clear in the app..
so while the Unsupported would be nice to be supported its not critical given the abilities above.

Yeah, the Devices on the Home screen are more reflective of Rooms organization and only pretty "support" devices that can turn on/off, i.e. lights, switches, plugs, etc.

You can also connect to the hub by clicking on it from the home screen and selecting connect to hub. The registered hubs route is good for a multi-hub setup where you want the app to remain connected to a particular hub for GeoFence and notifications.

Also, on the Devices tab you can click the 3-dots in the top right-hand corner and choose to hide unsupported devices. This option is also presented when you tap on an unsupported device.

This is available in dashboards

Sorry, I stand corrected again.... this was not there originally and I thought they said it would not be added.
OK, new app IS ok...
however I think its lacking the tools view with easy access to the connect to hub and other things

The connect to hub is the equivalent of what I described earlier when tapping on the hub on the home screen. But I do take your point about the other tools. Would be nice if they were still accessible from the app.

I noticed something today that seemed a little strange. When at home on my WiFi it shows local. When away from home on cell it shows cloud. And all that is correct.

I was at a friends house on his WiFi and it reverted back to local. And I couldn’t control anything. Turned off WiFi and went back to cloud and worked. Didn’t have time for anymore testing.

The phone will default to the fastest signal, in this case your friend’s WiFi. While on WiFi the app will assume that you are local to your home network.

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I would also say don't worry about the devices screen. If you want stuff to control just create a dashboard.

But that would be incorrect. And I had no control when I was connected to his WiFi.

Didn’t say it was right for your situation, just that that is the way it works. Are your hubs local to his wifi? If not that explains why you had no control - you weren’t connected to the hub because it couldn’t find it.

Exactly. But if you’re not on your home WiFi then it should be in cloud mode.

It doesn’t know if it is or isn’t your home wifi, just that it is wifi. Developer needed to make a decision on how to treat the condition, and it is probably the right call more often than not.

Respectfully disagree. Under that scenario if I’m somewhere without cell service but have wifi access then I have no control. I don’t remember the old app being that way. But can’t say for sure.

Personally I’d say a feature request to allow the user to choose/switch from cloud/local to local/cloud would probably be well received if you explain the situation nonjudgmentally.



The old app switched to cloud even if on wifi if it could not find the hub locally. This likely needs tweaked in the current app.

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