I purchased four Hue Motion Sensors in July of 2023 . I was expecting version 1; but, received version 2. These sensors came out early in 2023. They all behave the same way on the C8--that is they don't work.
I got the C8 Hubitat in May of 2023 and had all sorts of ZigBee issues like others at the time. I since believe that I managed to get that working.
So, there are two thoughts:
The hue sensors need a firmware upgrade.
My C8 hub has a ZigBee problem as others have discovered, and needs to be replaced.
Can I upgrade Firmware on the Hue Sensor without a Hue Hub?
How can I tell if my hub has ZigBee issues that replacement hardware would solve?
You can try hitting the "Update Firmware" button at the top of its Device page, and then watch Live Logs - it should acknowledge if the firmware is up to date or not. ETA - the live logs should show current version either way - that's likely to be "02003506"
But that assumes Hubitat has an update loaded that would'be been provided to them from Philips - if they do, it still may not be the actual latest version.
Otherwise, there's no way to do the update without a Hue bridge.
But I'd be surprised if yours aren't already on 2.53.6 -- my Hue app still shows that as current for another sensor I still have on my bridge, and that version has been out for quite a long while now.