New Hue Motion Sensor (Indoor 9290030675 w Reset Button) works with C7 and not C8

I purchased four Hue Motion Sensors in July of 2023 . I was expecting version 1; but, received version 2. These sensors came out early in 2023. They all behave the same way on the C8--that is they don't work.

I got the C8 Hubitat in May of 2023 and had all sorts of ZigBee issues like others at the time. I since believe that I managed to get that working.

So, there are two thoughts:

  1. The hue sensors need a firmware upgrade.
  2. My C8 hub has a ZigBee problem as others have discovered, and needs to be replaced.

Can I upgrade Firmware on the Hue Sensor without a Hue Hub?
How can I tell if my hub has ZigBee issues that replacement hardware would solve?

BTW, thanks everyone for helping with this.

I'd see what @bobbyD has to say, come Monday.

You can try hitting the "Update Firmware" button at the top of its Device page, and then watch Live Logs - it should acknowledge if the firmware is up to date or not. ETA - the live logs should show current version either way - that's likely to be "02003506"

But that assumes Hubitat has an update loaded that would'be been provided to them from Philips - if they do, it still may not be the actual latest version.

Otherwise, there's no way to do the update without a Hue bridge.

But I'd be surprised if yours aren't already on 2.53.6 -- my Hue app still shows that as current for another sensor I still have on my bridge, and that version has been out for quite a long while now.

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