New Hubitat user. Google home sync issues

Help everyone. Just plugged in my Hubitat today and went straight putting Hubitat on my google home app.

When was linking hubitat to my google home app no devices were available to pick from. So I just authorized and thought it would pop up on Hubitat page. No devices still.

I unlinked hubitat from google home and tried again....same results.

I have a good amount of devices synced to google home app and none are to be founded when linking Hubitat.

Any fixes?

To note. Some how I can only see my iPhone as a device to add....

Sounds like you have installed the Hubitat app on your iPhone. So it is your first device in your new Hubitat Elevation hub. It is used for presence automations.

You need to install devices on your hub to see them in Google Home. You will not see any of your devices linked to Google Home on your Hubitat Elevation hub. The app links devices from Hubitat to Google Home, not the other way round.

Visit the docs for information on how to use the hub.

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Sorry if I was emailing you direct. It came in as email to my phone.

You are right. Thanks for the help.

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