New Hubitat just came in. Best way to start?

Ordered a new Hubitat when I found out Echo Speaks and Webcore are going to be dropped from ST. I've been using ST for about three years now.

I'd prefer a clean start, but I'm hearing about Hubconnect. Just wondering which scenario people generally prefer. I know I can search for this stuff, but it came wasn't supposed to come in for another week, and I'd love to get started on it on this 3-day weekend, so links to any great starter threads would be greatly appreciated!


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I would go clean start..


If you actually prefer a clean start then there is every advantage for you to do just that. But in my case I found one device that wouldn't transfer nicely. So I ended up with keeping my ST hub and connecting via Hub Link. It works well enough like that for me.

When I anticipated migrating from ST, I had a carefully thought out detailed plan that any project manager would drool over to run in joint hub mode for a transition period of several weeks.

Once I got started with the migration and found myself spending more time thinking about what was where, I said screw the plan and just gripped and ripped, and had it all done in a few days elapsed time.

The only reason I would consider a transition plan involving both hubs for a while is if you had apps or devices on ST whose compatibility with HE was in serious question.


I ended up doing the same thing @HAL9000 did. A chain of events just pushed me to scrap the plan and just do it! No hubconnect, just straight up exclude and pair and rebuild. I use webcore so pistons were easy to import, just reassign the devices and some minor adjustments.

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  1. upgrade to latst firmware
  2. replace all zwave with zwave plus
  3. put hard wired switches outlets , light switches and extenders in first to get a stable mesh
    this goes for both zwave (especially) and zigbe..

let it stablize a day or two then add your battery powered devices once your mesh is good.

for any device you can bring close to the hub include it there..

Another vote for ripping the bandaid off and moving over. I had a wonderful plan for my migration, but ended up moving over all at once, and it ended up being the best approach for me. If you come across in pieces you can end up w/a weak mesh on both hubs, not good.

I think this thread would be a good read before you start:

This post in particular from above:

I have a mixture of older Z-Wave switches and plugs (and water valve & Schlage lock), newer Z-Wave+ switches and plugs, and a few battery powered Z-Wave contact sensors and smoke/CO alarms. The Z-Wave vs. Z-Wave+ devices are mostly randomly distributed around the house. The rest is Zigbee contact, motion, and leak sensors.

I didn't replace any of my Z-Wave devices, and don't think you need to replace a bunch of Z-Wave devices with Z-Wave+ to move to Hubitat. YMMV, and depends on how things are distributed around your house, where your hub is, etc.

Try to get your hub in central location in your home. My experience w/HE is that it has seemed to be more sensitive to hub location than my ST hub was.

Definitely work from your hub outwards, starting w/powered devices first, then add battery devices.

Even if the device your moving over has only ever been on ST, you may have a better experience if you do an exclude on the HE hub for the devices before you try to add them to HE. Turning off the ST hub before including on HE certainly can't hurt, and may help.

The current FW version ( is much improved over the version that I used to move to HE, so you should be in better shape for a successful transition.

Most importantly, ask questions if you have issues...anything you run into will likely have been seen and dealt with by one of our helpful forum members.

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Awesome, guys. Thanks for the warm greetings.

My only real concern in all this is my Harmony Hub and Hue Lights. My wife is very used to using the Harmony, so I don't want to screw that up. I assume those still connect to their respective clouds. Everything else I have is a light, switch, or sensor.

Oh, my wife was enjoying the new ST app to control stuff. I guess I'll have to explore whatever UIs are available.

Oh I have left all my Hue lights on my Hue hub. I have that linked to Hubitat via CoCoHue app. I like to be able to update Hue devices when updates are offered. No reason not to go on using all the Hue features and app when you want to - we do.

So, do you lose some Hue features when you switch it to Hubitat? I thought Hubitat still talked to the cloud if need be.

You can't update your devices' firmware unless they are still on your Hue app. And if members of your family are used to doing things via Hue there is no reason to force them to stop, since you can also include them in automations from Hubitat while not removing them from Hue. That goes for the bulbs, but Hue sensors I don't think will send signals outside the Hue ecosystem so if you wanted to use a Hue motion detector as trigger to a Hubitat rule then you'd have to join that directly to the HE - from where it can happily be still used to control the lights.

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Don't know if you've see this, I haven't used it, but noticed it.

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Looking forward to trying that out.

I've tried changing the size of these icons, but nothing's changing. What an I doing wrong?

The tiles are sized by column and rows. The icons would be the pictures in the middle of the tiles. Tiles can be more than 1x1 in size also. You can shrink the column or row height and width for more granular control over the size.

From the gear on the dashboard you can set your column and row width and height:

From the tile 3 dots in the bottom right you can set the tile width and height based on the column and row size.

I've tried that, but it's not making the change.

Also, in regards to Webcore... Should I connect to my old ST Webcore account, or make a new account and copy over the pistons I want?

Last question: What does HE stand for?

Run the pistons locally on the Hubitat hub using the Webcore app.

HE == Hubitat Elevation (it's what they call their platform)

After you change the columns and rows edit the tiles themselves like i showed in the screenshot.

This is on the actual device tile its self.


This is the grid tab click on options.

Ok, figured that out. Thanks!

In regards to Echo Speaks, should I remove each Echo Dot from ST before adding it the HE? If so, what's the easiest way to do that?