It's due to the lack of passenger airline flights to Aus right now - most mail and freight is carried by airlines these days. From what i've been told by friends at Aussie Post, it's having a huge impact on any carrier that doesnt have their own aircraft fleet.
Makes sense. International air shipments are a mess right now, world wide.
I am particularly excited about the Repair a Z-Wave node database entry in the new software.
Any idea how long usps takes from US? I understand that UPS has its own fleet so wondering if it would be better to go the premium shipping option. (I'm not in a rush)
Usually 25-35 business days is my understanding, for items sent this month.
I have the same problem with login. Tested on the iPad as well.
Wow that's a seriously long time!
I've had some things take 2 weeks and some take 12, it's pretty random atm.
Apologies for what may be a stupid question, but I don't see it directly answered yet. Does the new c-7 also support the backup capability? I assume so, but your post specifically said c-5 only. I'd consider moving everything off my C-4 to a C-7 just for the complete backup.
It is not possible to migrate radios from C-4 to anything else, as that feature is not available in the radio stick.
Decided to take a punt on USPS too (like I said, I'm in no rush)
It's odd though, my shipping costs $26 vs your $23!
That is weird, I'm in Melbourne and I wonder if that makes any difference?
No idea, I'm in Sydney. Just thought it was a bit weird is all
Speaking of migration I assume I can just restore a C4 backup to the new C7 (I have no zwave devices on it)?
Sorry, miscommunication. I would manually move my devices to the new c-7. I understand the c-4 doesn't work as you had stated. But your original post doesn't (explicitly) state that the c-7 also does the complete backup. It specifically says only the c-5. So if I manually get everything onto a c-7, can I then use the full backup restore from c-7 to c-7 in case of failure?
As I understand it the backup would work for your (and mine) apps and rules but the devices wouldn't work because the C3 and C4 had separate radio sticks that were not Hubitats. This would mean they wouldn't be able to migrate them to their radio's. I am also assuming that if you didn't want to move your ZigBee stuff to their radio you could just move the stick over. I would assume it would work just like before as you could do this with the C5. But at some point you would have to bite the bullet and just do it.
I have done a ton of testing on S2.. And I can say S2 is very reliable.. And a dramatic improvement over S0
Yes they have said this would work with the new subscription service.
What happens if you have some z-wave plus devices that are not S2? IE multi sensor 6 (I'm hoping that a firmware update might make it s2 in future?)
Yes, it will support C-5 to C-5, C-5 to C-7, and C-7 to C-7.