New Hubitat dashboard issue

So using the new dashboard (havent messed with the dashboards in a while so "new" may not be all that new) i am having an issue

Using chrome on my laptop, if I adjust the font size on a dashboard it changes both the device name and the "action label" to the chosen size (for instance it changes both my FRONT DOOR LOCK and the UNLOCKED/LOCKED state)

However, when I load the dashboard on my iOS device on Chrome or Safari, only the "action label" changes in font size, while the device name stays a static size.

I have attached a screenshot using chrome developer tools emulating an ios device and it does the same thing.. first shot is the font size at 10 and on the left you can see theyre both the same size, while on the right you can see the "action label" is smaller

the second shot shows the font size at 6, and its pretty obvious..

Pretty disappointing that I havenโ€™t even got a reply from Staff at all. Normally email is pretty quick on a reply but I took to here because everywhere you look it says to email or post on here.

Unfortunately, your post was missed, but it was also reported in other threads specific to dashboard bugs. This bug was addressed in 2.0.8. Font size for device names now follow the font size.

If you are still seeing this issue after updating to the latest version, please let me know.