New Hubitat C8, error loading rule machine

Hello new to Hubitat. So apologies if I’m asking a question already addressed. My HE C8 is running I’ve been reading about different rule making apps, or maybe it’s just different names for the same app? ( Rule Machine vs Basic Rules, vs Simple Automation Rules) Anyway I’ve tried to use HPM, to load “Rule Machine by Josh Lobe” but I keep getting an error fail to load. See attached screenshots. I expect I’m doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

Rule Machine is a built-in app. You do not need to (and cannot) use HPM to install it. What you're looking at in HPM appears to be an app called Rule Machine Manager, a user contribution that allows for visual organization of rules you've already created.

Basic Rule and Simple Automation Rules are also built-in apps. They (including Rule Machine) are all distinct from each other. Rule Machine is the most powerful, Basic Rule is probably the easiest to use, and Simple Automation Rules is...older than Basic Rules and a bit awkward for some automations (it was originally geared towards lighting automations) but is still around for anyone who prefers it.

There is still the problem of the error you see from HPM. Sometimes that is caused by outdated HPM on new hub platforms, but it looks like you are up to date with HPM (and from your description the hub is too). Other times, this is caused by a problem on the author's/developer's side. Hubitat "Logs" might show a more helpful error message, or manually installing the code (all that HPM does--you can always find the actual code somewhere) might reveal if the problem is there.

But if you're actually just looking for Rule Machine, you can ignore everything besides the first sentence or so above. :smiley:

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Thanks for the quick and informative reply. You cleared a stuck electron in my old brain. I’ve been looking at the list of apps showing after clicking on APPS from main menu, and thinking the (+Built-in) button was??? I don’t know what but anyway. I just clicked on the (+ Built-in) button, and lo and behold there are the other rule apps, I’ve been missing.
Basic Rules
Rule Machine
Simple Automation

Thanks again

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