New hub blue light never goes green

I just purchased a new to me c8 and trying to set it up and the blue light never goes green. I have tried the reset button on the unit but it did not change anything. I can see the hub in my WiFi but it will not connect to it. But the light never does go green. Was trying WiFi and hard wire.

@thefamhub2023 Try using a different usb power block. When i had this issue recently after an update it was because of the power supply.

Access the diagnostic tool and do a soft reset (or since you have not set it up yet you could also try a full reset).

Sounds like maybe you got a used one? They may have not wiped it or shut it down correctly and the hub DB is corrupted, but no worries a full reset will take care of it.

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New to all this, but if I can’t get it to connect to WiFi or Ethernet how am I able to get to this feature or do I need to connect the hub straight to my laptop Ethernet?

You said you could see the hub? I thought you meant you could see it was connected to the router.

If it wont even connect then try doing a network reset (link below) and connect it via ethernet.
Prior owner possibly had a static IP configured, this will clear it out.

Then you can use your routers interface to find the IP of it, or also may be able to find it.

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I could see the mynewhub in my WiFi search during set up. But it would never connect past me trying to put in my WiFi password. Then it would go to the next screen and it could not locate the hub.

i have it connected to the router, and can see it in my router settings on my network but i am unable to discover the hub, and still no green light. i have tried the reset several times now.

What about getting to the diagnostic tool via the IP you see in the router? Port 8081
You will need the MAC from the sticker on the bottom of the hub.

not real sure what i did but i think i got it, got to a screen that said to soft reset to repair corrupt file, then it let me update firmware and login

Nice, I would HIGHLY suggest going to the disgnostic tool and then doing a FULL RESET from the advanced menu. Since you have no idea if the other person did this. That would reset it to factory settings.

If you dont have the advanced menu there are instructions in that Diag Tool article way at the bottom on how to force the diag tool to update.

thanks for the fast and detailed replys, i am doing the full reset now, i also went it to router and reserved the IP i seen that several time, that may have had somthing to do with it. again thanks

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