New Homeowner Hubitat House

I just purchased a home with a Hubitat system. Completely smart house from top to bottom. I cannot get my Alexa and Hubitat to connect. I keep getting a pairing unsuccessful message. I’ve tried from several devices. Customer service cannot help me. The former owner has so many rules set up and I’d like to be able to utilize them. Can someone help? Can I do a full reset of the hub and set it up as if it was new? I’m so lost

Have you read this document? Amazon Echo Skill - Hubitat Documentation

Maybe something in there that you haven't done.

Thank you! I tried this again and I get to the find Hubitat skill in Alexa app, put my credentials in and then I get this message:

Unable to link Hubitat and Alexa

I’ve gotten no help from Customer Service. They keep running me in circles.

The person to start with is the former owner. Have they given you admin access to the Hubitat? Is the Hubitat now registered to your email address?

Yes it is.

Everything seems to be in order. But I continue to get a unable to connect each time I try.

Okay, it seems to me that it may not be (or that the registration transfer hasn't registered appropriately) - based on the error message.

I'm tagging support so they notice your message.

@bobbyD, @gopher.ny


Thank you! The previous owner says he followed the steps on his end.

I’d really like to avoid this but I don’t know what else to do. The previous owner had so many rules set up and I would hate to lose them. Can someone call me and help me?

If you do a full reset your hub will delete its connection to all of the paired devices and you will need to start by reconnecting all of the devices throughout the house

I would really recommend against this.

On the other hand, a soft reset will delete all the rules and will retain the links to all the devices.

But I would not select this option yet either. The house isn’t going to fall apart if getting the Alexa connection takes you a couple days to figure out.


I called Alexa support and they got me working!!!


Awesome !!!

And welcome to the club.


Awesome! Could you please share how they got you going, as it may help others running into this problem?