New Homebridge Plug-in via MakerAPI

No, there really isn't right now... I'll keep thinking about to see if I can find a way to have a clean interface without too much overlap and flags though...

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I'd still recommend to try to upgrade to the latest version of the plugin as it is technically fully supported by Hubitat now, no more backdoor unsupported feature stuff...

In a nutshell, you can install and run several versions of node with nvm
you could run a "nvm ls" to see which versions you have installed..... If you indeed did use nvm for your node installation.

I run all my node instances on a MacBook Pro

nvm works for MacOS too :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ll look into it. Right now I just open a shell for each app and run it. I donā€™t care for auto-starts and the system is on a UPS so itā€™s stable.

Ok, so the driver has the Battery capability and it reports a battery of "null" (not 0) when there is no battery.... I have just updated the plugin to catch these. Can you update your plugin one more time and try it?

That did the trick! Thank you! It doesn't report low battery or have the exclamation icon anymore on the tile. It does show as "Powered Off" when I open the tile in Home app. I can live with that but could that be fixed by reporting 100 instead of 0?

Powered off is in regard to the fan switch in the thermostat tile. If you open the tile and scroll down, you see a switch there to activate the fan of the heating system. If you don't have a fan, than you can add the following to your config.json:

"excluded_attributes" : {
                "HUBITAT-DEVICE-ID" : [ "thermostatFanMode"]

If you need help with where to add it, go here:
and build an example config.json for MakerAPI and select the checkbox for "Add Attribute Filter example" just make sure that in your config, you filter out the attribute thermostatFanMode

Hey @dan.t how come your website asks for my social number and a credit card? Just joking....seriously just joking.

I wanted to thank you for everything you've done here and if you have a donate link I'll gladly send you some beverage money.

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It's a security feature :rofl:
If you are seriously concerned about security, as everyone should, the code for that page is publicly hosted here: GitHub - danTapps/

Thanks Dan! That took care of it. The thermostat does have a fan that I always leave in "auto" mode but I guess that was coming across as turned off. I don't ever change the fan setting anyway so excluding the attribute works for me.

Iā€™ve noticed since Iā€™ve added HSM into HomeKit, the status of my alarm in the Home App states ā€˜Triggeredā€™ when I feel it should state off.

It occurs when someone arrives pursuant to a rule which sends the HSM Command ā€˜Disarm Allā€™

Anyone else seen this?

Any idea why changing the temperature Iin auto mode sets the thermostat tile to No Response until I force kill Home?

It sets it correctly, just says no response.

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Not yet, but I can reproduce it so it shouldnā€™t be too hard to fix. Stay tuned

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I can't really reproduce this behavior, it works in my test setup. Is there any way you could get me a log file when that happens?

I will try, its a bit tricky because I can only mimic it when my wife comes home (random event) so I have to remember to capture my logs at that time.

Does it really say "Triggered" or does it say "Arming..."? I found one bug it had nothing to do with "Triggered" on the tile....


How do I update the MakerAPI or does it update automatically? When I load HomeBridge I get message "a newer version (0.4.7) of the homebridge-hubitat-makerapi plugin is available on npmjs."

You can run

sudo npm -g install homebridge-hubitat-makerapi

To update. It is the same command as installing the plugin