New Homebridge Plug-in via MakerAPI

It's running on a rPi. I'll give it a shot. Thanks again!

I've done it.. had multiple running... but right this minute, the critical elements are lost in the mists of time. Maybe by tomorrow those memories will have been restored from tape. :slight_smile:


I can remember the easy stuff....

Create additional .homebridge folders.. aka .homebridge2 and .homebridge3
Then create all new config.json's with new "bridge" values. Every value unique.

sudo homebridge -U < path to each new config.json >

If that works, you're halfway and you can proceed with fleshing out the "platform" portion of each config.json

slices are coming back. memory is sure weird. :slight_smile:


I did a quick google search and found lots of info on this. I'll add another instance and let you know how it goes. Thanks again for your help!

I made this a couple weeks back:

Hope it helps. :smile:



I use docker to run multiple instances. Super easy to spin up another docker container.

This helped a lot! I now have 3 instances running with lots of room for expansion.

Thanks for putting this together!!

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Just feeling stable and adventurous enough to try this on my hub. A question, in addition to my question below, should I uninstall homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7? I will not be using it again, so if it's not needed for this, I'd rather remove it.

Where do I start looking for the config.json file for homebridge-hubitat-makerapi?

On my MacOS install, I normally I find config.json files in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/[node modules name]
My homebridge config.json file is at the MacOS user root because it's "special" :wink:
However, I'm not finding the config.json file for the maker api.

Where are you finding it in Raspbian?

This snippet from the Homebridge GitHub readme page shows where the config.json file should be

NOTE : Your config.json file MUST be inside of .homebridge , which is inside of your home folder. On macOS and Linux, the full path for your config.json would be ~/.homebridge/config.json . Any error messages will contain the exact path where your config is expected to be found.

It is hidden away in your homepath in ~/.homebridge/config.json
You can remove the homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7 plugin and you can also remove the app from your hub. All that is needed on your hub is MakerAPI and on your Mac is the homebridge-hubitat-makerapi plugin

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Duh, thanks @jon1 and @dan.t. I for some reason was treating it as if it was a separate config.json file like my Google Assistant Relay and Insteon-Server instances.

Sometimes I'm just as guilty of asking questions before thinking. Appreciate the gentle wrap on my noggin.

You can also 'force' the file location...

homebridge -U /someplace/else/config.json

In fact, I'd council you to use it even for the first install, because it sure makes creating the 2nd instance easier.

for my two instances:

$ jobs
[1]-  Running                 homebridge -U .homebridge_tcc &
[2]+  Running                 homebridge -U .homebridge &
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So sorry for asking what might be obvious to everyone that's been following this, but I've turned away from HomeKit and I'm only just ready to try this new version as everyone has been saying how successful it's been.

What's the reason for running multiple instances?

One homebridge instance can only handle up to 100 devices. You can run several instances to expose more devices.

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I maxed out at 147 devices on a single instance. I now have over 200 accessories running across three instances. I've only had these up for 8 days now but would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to use Home as their primary Hubitat app on iOS.


Tried this too

Starts, but then craps out and I'm back at the prompt. Any ideas? I'm running node 6.10.2

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Configuration of cached accessories not done, wait for a bit... 16

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] Homebridge is running on port 45525.

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] latest version on npmjs is 0.2.12

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] your version of the plugin is up2date

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Arm iSmart Alarm, ID 3508

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Overhead, ID 1430

[6/7/2019, 8:12:39 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Kitchen Light, ID 581

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Water Leak, ID 645

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Water Heater, ID 167

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Porch light, ID 1429

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Dining Room OFF, ID 185

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Toilet, ID 571

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Dining Room, ID 169

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Table Lamp, ID 1425

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Wall Light, ID 317

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Hall Light, ID 2416

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Floor Lamp, ID 1431

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name HE Deck Light, ID 1428

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Water Main Sensor, ID 2743

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added (Cache) - Name Lantern, ID 3248

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] **TypeError: "list" argument must be an Array of Buffers**

**at Function.Buffer.concat (buffer.js:315:13)**

**at Object.encode (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/util/tlv.js:26:35)**

**at Object.encode (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/util/tlv.js:51:39)**

**at HAPServer._handlePairVerifyStepOne (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:543:21)**

**at HAPServer._handlePairVerify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:505:10)**

**at HAPServer.&lt;anonymous&gt; (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:209:39)**

**at emitNone (events.js:86:13)**

**at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:185:7)**

**at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:974:12)**

**at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)**

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Fetching Hubitat-MakerAPI devices. This can take a while depending on the number of devices are configured!

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Refreshing All Device Data

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] **TypeError: "list" argument must be an Array of Buffers**

**at Function.Buffer.concat (buffer.js:315:13)**

**at Object.encode (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/util/tlv.js:26:35)**

**at Object.encode (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/util/tlv.js:51:39)**

**at HAPServer._handlePairVerifyStepOne (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:543:21)**

**at HAPServer._handlePairVerify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:505:10)**

**at HAPServer.&lt;anonymous&gt; (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:209:39)**

**at emitNone (events.js:86:13)**

**at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:185:7)**

**at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:974:12)**

**at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)**

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Received All Device Data

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] attempt connection to ws://

[6/7/2019, 8:12:40 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] connection to ws:// established

[6/7/2019, 8:12:45 PM] [Hubitat hhm:0.2.12] Device Added - Name Water Main, ID 2897

Homebridges-MacBook:~ homebridge$

I'm afraid your errors are deep into @dan.t code... he will probably read and respond soon'ish.

re: node version...

$ node --version

Can you post your config.json once?

Edit: actually, I think your node version is too old. I have tried version 8 but 6 is really far behind

I suspected that might be the issue. I’ll have to address this later. I have a newer Mac that can run high sierra, but I don’t have it ready yet. If I remember right, that’s the newest node version I can run with this version of Xcode on El Capitan.